I heard they have taken the national television. Great for them. But the worse thing is. How awful he is he will probably be sentenced to death and he is a human.
I think I'll expand it to all places where reform protesters are oppressed.
That's not sure, certain sources say he's in his residence,
I thought his compound was stormed earlier and he wasn't there.
About Syria; I've read that Assad qualified all the attacks as part of a transitional phase. How sick is that?
It's understandable that he'd claim it's part of reform or something. Wrong, but understandable. That's what a lot of leaders do to justify their actions, that the killings were to "strengthen/unify the nation" or something.
Assad will probably give a big "I'm sorry, it won't happen again, but everything's better now" speech.
Wiki says: On 20 June 2011, in a speech lasting nearly an hour, in response to the demands of protesters and foreign pressure, al-Assad promised a "national dialogue" involving movement toward reform, new parliamentary elections, and greater freedoms. He also urged refugees to return home from Turkey, while assuring them amnesty and blaming all unrest on a small number of "saboteurs".