Different ideas of perfection kind of screw this whole thing up. I think you could only have momentary perfection though; with all the people in the world, all the potential change, a place will never stay the same and is therefore constantly evolving.
As for a perfect country; impossible. All the immigration and relocating and mixing religions and races will always be causing conflict, unless you think that is perfect.
Humanity strives for perfection. But being perfect is impossible. I guess IMO the closest thing to a perfect country is Canada. It's not close to perfect, but in comparison of most countries, I find it the most perfect. I live in Canada. Barely ANYONE hates us except the U.S for burning down the Library of Congress and the Whitehouse I believe. And I'm not sure but maybe Africa because I heard this one time a Canadian Soldier sexually assaulted an African I believe.... Anyways here are some nice reasons. Canada is to be the most likeable country. We have the funniest people on earth. We have free health care. And we saved A LOT of countries in the world wars. Now I'm just assuming most of this due to the fact I went on this Youtube video who is debating about Canada Vs U.S and I hear a lot of this stuff of how Canada is the best So I assume all of this is true. For some reason I haven't learned Canadian History in school.... Anyways. I guess Canada is the closest thing you would get in perfection. Nicest, Funniest, most beautiful country in the world
I would totally troll thelegitgamer about canada but i wont. instead ill just say there is no utopia because everyone has different view of a perfect city or country. Like one persons perfect city could be hell for another person.
So I assume all of this is true. For some reason I haven't learned Canadian History in school....
Oh oh, your one of those naive patriots. Well lemme give you a history lesson. I'm not going to make this big, just a quick run.
First, the natives came to Canada Then, the whites came (if you don't count the Vikings) The whites, who where extremely religious and bloodthirsty, decided to annex or slaughter all the natives. After that was done; the whites where bored, so they decided to kill eachother. The English people won, oppressed the French and the natives.
Now, Canada has free health care like most rich country. But the country is still in possession of the few corporations who want to kill the environment to get the resources out. The education system is a joke, but who cares? We are scared of progression anyways. We can't change anything, most of our population is stupid. Heck, most of Ontario votes for conservative party and then complain because schools are being closed. The authority look at Muslims like they are gods or something. Oh, and don't get me started on the lack of motivation from the government to solve any problem, nationally or internationally. We might have multiple parties, but it's always the same people that get elected because everyone is scared to vote for someone that would actually do something.
Then again, I still believe Canada is better then the US.
Well... I'm guessing that you could call a vacuum a perfect place- it has (theoretically) nothing in it
Actually, there's a theory circulating in the physics community that vacuum spaces (such as space) contain a kind of unseeable "mass/energy".
@lolynage2 You pretty much summed up the situation here is Canada. I don't understand why people would vote for Harper after the stupid deals and policies he makes.
I must agree with you, Canada is better than the US. At least the majority can read...
There can be a perfect place for one person, meaning a place that fits one's personal ideals. But since perfectness is strongly subjective, there is no such thing as an objective perfect place. And I use perfect in the sense of the best, nicest whatever ever, not in the sense of perfect vacuum or so.. And, I believe if there were such a thing as a perfect place, it must be static, or else it would be treatened to lose it's perfectness.. there would be no room for individuality or spontaneity, and such a perfect place doesn't sound so perfect anymore. Change is needed imo.
sofar i know only the usa and greece got something against canada. i heared alot of hate towards canada from greece people on youtube. in video's that are about the riots in athene earlyer this year.
Let's see, will there ever be a perfect country or place?
No. Simply because wherever there is good, there is bad. You find the perfect country or place, where everyone's happy and getting along peacefully, something or someone will come along to ruin that, no doubt it'd take long, either.