Year 0. The big bang has happened. (yes i believe science)
Year 5,000,000,000. The Galaxy Gliese Epsilon (Gliza Epselon) Forms.
Year 13,000,000,000. A star system that will soon be one of the most important (And The capital of the galaxy) is forming. Two Binary Stars orbiting 60 AU from each other,(Eridani and Gemini) are forming. both have several planets. and you my freind... are a Planet. (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!)You aint human... it seems so weired... being able to atract asteroids and stuff. Intellegint Species will dig into you and one day... maybie they might blow you up with their Nukes. who knows? you might reverse your magnetic field so that your south pole is faceing north.. you might crash into your star in attempt to save Trillions of lives from solar storm... you could explode yourself and kill all the inhabitants... anything can happen. in the Sandbox.
1- Asteroid 10-Very small moon 50-Small moon 100-Medium Moon (about our moon size) 500- Very Large Moon 1000-Dwarf Planet 2000-Small Planet 4000-Martian Planet 5000- Earthlike Planet 6000- Super Earth 10000-Small Gas Dwarf 20000- Ice Giant 100000- Gas Giant
The Character Sheet!!!!!:
(Planet name) Star: (Gemini or Eridani) Type: Asteroid Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 100& Nothing --------------- Moons: None
Example Pants:
Example Star: Pants Age: 0 yrs Star: Gemino Type: Asteroid Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 100& Nothing --------------- Moons: None --------------- Mass: 1
i slam into another asteriod
(ME) you gain 1 mass.
Example Star: Pants Type: Asteroid Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 100& Nothing --------------- Moons: None --------------- Mass: 2
example has a mass of two.
Another Example:
Llalalalal Star: OMGOMG Type: Martian Planet Condition: Icy, Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-88% Ice-12% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 100% Co2 --------------- Moons: 2 (Phobeo: mass 80) (Dange: mass 100) --------------- Mass: 4690 (5000 is one earth mass (the size of earth).)
Name:Jupiter Star:Eridani Type: Super Earth Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 89% Oxygen 10% Carbon Dioxide 1% Other Gases --------------- Moons: Asteroid Pack (3),"Mars". Rings: Hy,Methane,Oxygen,Rock. --------------- Mass: 8242
Yeah...I mistook Crabon Dioxide with Nitrogen...I live in another country and I do not learn about Cemistry and stuff but I will soon...
Actually I collide with a Planet that has a Lot of Nitrogen and Maybe some Argon...
Also to keep my Planet a bit more safe I try to find a Planet that has an Ozen layer(I belive this is how it called)... Its supposed to protect the planet a bit
Name:Jupiter Star:Eridani Type: Gas Dwarf (Blue) Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 49% O2 30% N2 6% AR 5% ME 4% H2 3% H20 2% Water Vapor 1% Sulfer Dioxide. --------------- Moons: Very small moon,Small Moons(2),"Mars". Rings: --------------- Mass: 78231
I have the Small Moons Collide with eachother and Have Mars collide with the Very Small Moon... The 2 Small moons would probably make a Medium sized Moon while Mars and very small moon maybe make...A Bit bigger planet
Name:Jupiter Star:Eridani Type: Gas Dwarf (Blue) Condition: Barren, Rocky. --------------- Inhabitants: (Will list all species here) --------------- Land:Ratio Lava-0% Land-99.9% Ice-0.1% Water-0% --------------- Atmosphere: 49% O2 30% N2 6% AR 5% ME 4% H2 3% H20 2% Water Vapor 1% Sulfer Dioxide. --------------- Moons: Medium Moon. Rings: --------------- Mass: 78231
I request something...
Can you change my sheet to the Medium moon now...Jupiter right now is not Important because I will be terraforming The Medium Moon I have So the atmoshpere and stuff..All for the Moon