Okay I,m playing Sonny 2 and im in the stage after the prison and im battling the boss for that stage baron brixious and he has 48000 health and i can,t beat him specially considering i only have 3 guys with 2000 health each with an attack damage of about 1000 a turn and the boss has killed me three times.So it would really help if some one could tell me a special strategy or if this boss has any weaknesses .It would really help if some one gave me a video walk through . Thanks
tl;dr: Use skills that drain his focus and he'll nuke himself for ~5k damage a turn for a bit every time he runs out of focus. Eventually he'll also start casting Holy Scars on himself, which makes your attacks do tons of damage to him. If he nukes himself during Holy Scars you instantly win the battle due to him taking over 56k damage in one hit.
Bio: Respec and max out Disrupt and Solidity (whichever one gives you focus regen every turn). Just use Disrupt every turn and eventually he'll drain his own health.
Hydro: I don't remember what skills Hydro uses to drain focus, but find 'em and use 'em and you shouldn't have much of a problem.
Psycho: Respec and get both levels of Haunt and Traumatize. Also get the lightning skill that restores your focus (don't remember the name) so you can keep Traumatizing the Baron.
Stick Veradux on Phalanx and Roald on Relentless; the Baron can't use Tick Tock if he doesn't have focus, and you win this battle by destroying his focus in the first place. Since he can't Tick Tock, Veradux will have no problem keeping your team alive without help.
In the future, post what level and class you are. That'll help people determine the best strategy for you.
Oh, and the Baron isn't the boss. You still have a cutscene and 2 fights to go after him before you reach the next zone.
ArchlordPie, the bio skill that gives focus is Integrity. Otherwise, right For Hydro, it's Flash Freeze-Regulate-Flash Freeze-Regulate-Regulate-Mind Freeze-attack-attack-repeat.
Actually, Haunt turns the 20-per-turn focus drain into 25-per-turn. That means with 2 Traumatizes he's out of focus, whereas without Haunt he comes out of the Traumatize cycle with 20 focus left and therefore can Tick Tock you or do other nasty stuff. With it he's nuking himself as soon as he gets out of the Traumatize cycle.