I think there should really be a way to find someone's profile easily without digging through the comments for one by them. I mean, if you meet someone you want to add in a game, there should be a way to do it quickly.
You can type this URL in to find a user:www.armorgames.com/user/insertusernamehereReplace insertusernamehere with the username of the user you are looking for.
Yeah you can type this : www.armormgames.com/user/type the user name here understand?
Also is AG3, there will be a highly sufficient search engine that can search users. So you can do that as well.
You could also try to Google the name. It works about 90 % of the time.
Yeah there is especially Google finder Account Armor Games but i forget it , , i have it in My another computer i will tell u another time
Yeah there is especially Google finder Account Armor Games
Yeah i am beta tester in AGv3 i open it, it realllly soo cool
Thank you Patrick2011instead of http://armorgames.com/user/ShadowAssassin4i just wrote http://armorgames.com/user/usernameand it worked..
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