ForumsWEPRIs there life outside our Solar System?

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256 posts

There has to be life outside of our universe. There is an incredible number of planets and stars and galaxies beyond our own;a number far beyond human comprehension. Our evolution is imperfect and flawed, yet we have still become the most powerful and intelligent species within millions and millions of miles. Conditions like ours that can support life could very easily arise somewhere else in the universe. THere has been such a wide window of time, and so much space for it to happen, that it is inevitable that there is life somewhere else in the universe. If we can exist, why should we be the only ones?

There are many planets , with supstences of H2o *Water* on them . Where there is water there can be life. Since the earliest hominid species diverged from the ancestor we share with modern African apes, 5 to 8 million years ago, there have been at least a dozen different species of these humanlike creatures. Many of these hominid species are close relatives, but not human ancestors. But it only takes one to evolve creating a sucsessful species, just takes two animals with good offspring to create a more human like spcies.
Most scientist say that Earth started out as a *star* that was mostly mad out of valcanos, and that many meteors hit earth making its huge trenches within our ocean. But after all of the meteors hit earth , it started to rain , for Billions of years, Then formed an Ice age ... Which soon after melted making land and our oceans . And within our oceans life began...

But of course *humans were first evolved by creatures that lived in water . All there has to be within that water is bacteria, which could form into something over time. Then create a Ape like animal , *Which is a close ancestor to hominids*.

Well the point of planet earths history is , it could have happend some where else , within our Solar System or not. Maybe billions of light years away.

If you have any thing you would like to say just post on this fourm . Im going to keep this on my page. Hope it gets somewhere.


  • 126 Replies
4,104 posts

maybe but not in the places we can look nowadays.

Tell me how many galaxies you see in this picture taken by the hubble telescope (this picture reaches 13 billion light years away).
11 posts

there is 5

1,482 posts

By 'seeing' them I think he meant detecting them.

By the way, what if we find some floating bacteria that actually came off of our own spaceship and we assume we've found extraterrestrial life but in fact we're just screwing ourselves ._.
Wouldn't that be a let down.

8,256 posts

I heard somewhere recently that meteorites can on occasion carry few organic components, not entire cells (there are people who think the first cells came here on meteorites), but simple organic components found in living organisms here on earth. If this it true, and if you acknowledge that there is a possibility that one of those 'carrier' meteorite can also hit another planet that has similar conditions than earth (or maybe even completely different), this makes it even more probable that there is life somewhere else.

9,462 posts

By the way, what if we find some floating bacteria that actually came off of our own spaceship and we assume we've found extraterrestrial life but in fact we're just screwing ourselves ._.
Wouldn't that be a let down.

This is taken into consideration with finds. This unfortunately also makes the job of finding extraterrestrial life all that much harder.
424 posts

If you want to know that there is life outside The Solar System: Try the The Drake Equation.N= N*fp ne fl fi fc fL. N stands for the number of galaxies in the universe. fp stands for fraction of stars that have planets around them. ne is the number of planets per star are capable of sustaining life. fl is the fraction of planets in ne where life evolves. fi is the fraction of fl where intelligent life evolves. fc is the fraction of fi that communicate. And lastly, fL stands for thefraction of the planet's life during which the communicating civilizations live.

1,405 posts

well of course there is life outside of our solar system. we just haven't seen it. but people that think that E.T.'s live on the moon are kinda guillable, mostly because who would live on a astroid that got pulled by our gravity to become the moon (i really don't know my space stuff).

492 posts

Some astronomists have already found life on other planets and moons. One of them is Jupiter's moon "Europa." It's not large life forms like you would think. They are actually just small bacteria and uni-celled life forms living in the huge ocean under the frozen surface.

819 posts

I suppose after a VERY long time the flesh would decay enough that it would be gone, but i'm not sure exactly how long that is.

Thousands if not millions of years. Do you recall the mountain man mummy? Thats not its exact name but he was supposedly in the ice for a few thousand years. I think the moon is colder.

Anyway haven't we already found evidence of life on Mars? Mars is also within the range of supporting life but it does need an atmosphere first, right? Now knowing this we can conclude that if another planet were in the same range of their star as us and they had an atmosphere, some form of liquid to srink, and food then they could support life aswell, right? Now this is a simplified version of what is needed but life could start to form out of this.
We should also take into consideration that not all life forms have to be like us. They might drink mercury instead of water, or perhaps arsenic.
With all the possibilities out there then I would say that life can be and probably is life outside of our solar system.
2,515 posts

i even think life is inside our solar system...

one of jupiters moons is completly mad up of water but withe a gavity pull between the sun and juipter it streaches melting the core... there is the water

70 posts

Yes there is life outside our solar system.
Where do you think superman came for.

492 posts

i even think life is inside our solar system...

one of jupiters moons is completly mad up of water but withe a gavity pull between the sun and juipter it streaches melting the core... there is the water

Way to say exactly what I did in other words and less detail. Which is this:

Some astronomists have already found life on other planets and moons. One of them is Jupiter's moon "Europa." It's not large life forms like you would think. They are actually just small bacteria and uni-celled life forms living in the huge ocean under the frozen surface.
5,129 posts

one of jupiters moons is completly mad up of water but withe a gavity pull between the sun and juipter it streaches melting the core... there is the water

fun idea for a new mission for nasa:
go get that moon and let it crash into mars. then we might be able to get ourself a 2nd planet some day ^^
8,256 posts

I think I actually saw, though probably a few years ago, a reportage about that moon of Jupiter with the ice and the water below... they projected to develop a sort of torpedo able to drill through the ice and then move around in the water like a submarine.. I don't know if it has lead to something now, and I don't think it's for the next few years. But still pretty interesting, they even hope to find more than only bacterias.

9,462 posts

Here's a video on Jupiter's moon.
Jupiter's moon Europa: Cool Destination for Life?

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