ForumsNews and Feedback[already suggested] get AP for buying from the AG store

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311 posts

well i was thinking of a win win situation where you could get money off of AP mad spamm crazey people! why not give people AP for buying stuff in the AG3 store and put that spam to good use!! sherh not ever ones going to go to the store just to get AP but it will encourege them to check there more often, and maybe add a ONE-TIME free AP for going to the store and lerking it a little...

i mean i don't see how their could be any thing bad... i'm not one for monatery value but after so much spam and AP crazyness i though well we could use it for good and this came up, it just an idea who nows if it wiuld work but it couldn't hurt!

  • 4 Replies
3,517 posts

I think that the AP for buying an item isn't a bad idea. Because we all know, nobody goes to that store. I don't agree with the AP for lurking idea. That will definitively get out of hand.

3,139 posts

You get AP from being active throughout the site - commenting, rating games, posting in the forums.
Buying things from AG should be because you like the merchandise. A lot of people will gain AP from doing nothing at all really, apart from spending money.

Because we all know, nobody goes to that store

I keep an eye on the store quite regularly actually to see if there's any merchandise. When i get paid in September there's a few things i want to buy.

Rich kids shouldn't level up simply because they got money ;o.
6,800 posts

Rich kids shouldn't level up simply because they got money ;o.

Yeah! Lets make them rich kids pay!

Not a good idea, as others have stated, and because of this:

The mechandise ships out from the West Coast. So if you life in california, you only pay a dollar or two in shipping. But on the East Coast, you pay nine or ten dollars in shipping. And even more so for those in Europe and Asia. So its only beneficial to those who live near Irvine, or have gobs of money.
2,891 posts

You get AP from being active throughout the site - commenting, rating games, posting in the forums.

Uh, until AG3 is launched, then you'll only get AP from winning Achievements in games.
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