I'm just wondering if there any way to craft 64 items in a single keystroke or click. Basically, if I wanna create 64 glow bulbs by using 128 woods, is there any other way to get those 64 glow bulbs but clicking 64 times?
u have to craft gold, u can find it, but u have to look rlly deep, up until the end of the game u have to craft it rlly, alsoheres a hint, dont bother upgrading ur flash light until the end, at the begining its completely useless, and when u actually have to use it u can just continuosly tap f when it runs oout and it will still work almost as well, also, out of curiousity, is it possible to find diamonds, i nvr went deep enough to finnd out, i beat the gme be4 it came to that lol
You can find diamonds if you go to the bottom of the map, but you'll need level 4 suit and some air chambers (as well as a pretty good oxygen tank) to get that deep :/.
the proble with air chambers is that u need 7 gaz to make one and later in the game its hard to find gaz
Gas is found near the top of the ocean. Also, for those of you complaining about crafting gold, there is a way to "farm" gold without going to the bottom of the map. Just kill the purple star things (they give 2 energy and 1 gold).
lol, wut about if they amage u, mean they rnt to hard to kill but ull get hit once and a while, espicially considering they r hardest thing to kill, also i dnot bothe making air cabinets, to hard for me to find gaz lol