ForumsSupport Forum[dupans]An idea to make ratings more accurate.

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181 posts

Hello. I am not sure if this idea was already thought of by someone else lately. If that happends to be so. I guess this topic will be deleted.

I have an idea to make sure that rating will be more accurate and not filled with people trying to get AP by going to everygame. And rating it without playing.

How about we lock the rating option UNTIL you've played enough or beat the game. Depending on the length. This will probably increase accurate rating instead of annoying people constantly rating 10 or 1 on every game. By doing this the game author knows 100% on how to improve when making more games. Even though most people still do this. This will increase that by probably half. Maybe for doing that rating games should give you more points when your FORCED to play the game before rating.

Those are my thoughts. Again, I AM NOT SURE IF THIS IDEA WAS ALREADY THOUGHT OF OR GOING INTO EFFECT SOON! I just thought of it and want to share it with the community to see if it is a good idea or not. Tell me what you think.

  • 2 Replies
8,051 posts

Here ya go.

Just read through that for responses.

181 posts

Ahh I see. Alright then. Now how do I delete a thread =S

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