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5,061 posts

I was talking to a friend of mine about the possibility of actually having teleportation technology, when she brought up an interesting question:

Actually transferring the molecules would take up far too much energy when you teleport, so it's far more likely that it takes a &quoticture" of your being and then reassembles the molecules in a different location, the problem there in is, that when you are disassembled at one end, it is for all intents and purposes suicide. After all at the other location a person would be made up of identical but completely new molecules.

What's your opinion?

  • 43 Replies
9,462 posts

I wonder would it work on mental diseases, changing the structure of the brain so it's returned to an optimal state?

Don't see why it wouldn't, we would also have to advance our knowledge of the brain to do it though. It's one thing to just copy what's already there but another to start making changes.

Don't we need better technology for that. I don't even think we have air filters that work on a subatomic level. And if we could use this technology on subatomic levels there would be many other uses for it then just teleporting people.

Yes we would need much more powerful computers than what we currently have. Though given our current level of advancement I wouldn't be surprised if we had something capable of storing and processing such a heavy amount of data in about 100 years time. The transfer of that information would be another issue.
Yes it could be used as a source of power similar to an anti matter reactor. That's also why such a means of matter/energy teleportation is impractical.
8,257 posts

As for being suicide, it doesn't matter. Your clone will behave exactly like you. For all intents and purposes, it will be you. If you "teleported" somewhere with an intention, your duplicate would appear with the exact same thoughts in his or her mind, so you wouldn't have to worry about that.

And it wouldn't matter to you, either. You'd be dead. A duplicate of you existing doesn't make you any less dead.

I agree with that. Still, dead is dead, which is why I would never want to be teleported. It's purely egoistic; of course the rest of the world wouldn't loose anything, so to speak. But I'd be dead.

Another thing, if we were capable of scanning and replicating someones body to this detail imagine the medical applications involved?

You'd just need an adequate software capable of doing viable changes in the information. Then, yes, the possibilities are great. For misuse, too, but I guess nothing is safe from that^^
9,462 posts

I agree with that. Still, dead is dead, which is why I would never want to be teleported. It's purely egoistic; of course the rest of the world wouldn't loose anything, so to speak. But I'd be dead.

But you would also still be alive. Everything that makes you, you would continue to exist. Hate to bring theocracy into this but the only real issue here is if humans had a dualistic natures ie a soul.

You'd just need an adequate software capable of doing viable changes in the information. Then, yes, the possibilities are great. For misuse, too, but I guess nothing is safe from that^^

The data transfer would have to be on a different carrier wave then what we currently use.

Yes there is room for misuse, but with future advancements I don't think that should be a huge limiting factor.
3,371 posts

To me it feels like even though my clone would be my exact copy it still wouldn't really be me. Something that I think helps my point is that your clone would have one difference. It would have felt being teleported. And it's also the entire idea that once you die your officallly dead. It's like making a clone of yourself and then killing yourself. If the clone is an exact copy it will have all your memories and live life the exact way you did, but you still died. Your life is gone and now a clone gets to live it. That would just be something I couldn't stand. Sure if everything goes well then the clone would have your same mentallity but it would't feel right.

9,462 posts

To me it feels like even though my clone would be my exact copy it still wouldn't really be me. Something that I think helps my point is that your clone would have one difference. It would have felt being teleported. And it's also the entire idea that once you die your officallly dead. It's like making a clone of yourself and then killing yourself. If the clone is an exact copy it will have all your memories and live life the exact way you did, but you still died. Your life is gone and now a clone gets to live it. That would just be something I couldn't stand. Sure if everything goes well then the clone would have your same mentallity but it would't feel right.

The cells in our bodies constantly die and get replaced by new cells. The rate depends on what cells and where, but for the most part eventually you will have completely different cells in your body doing the exact same thing the old ones did. When this happens did you at any time stop being you? What if every cell in your body was instantly replaced with a brand new ones doing the exact same thing? What if that new cell was so identical that it was indistinguishable from the old one? Do you stop being you now?
In many ways this process can produce something that's more you than what nature produces as you age. The big difference that makes it seem off is just the rate at which it happens.
3,371 posts

I guess I would go through with it. But there would need to be conditions.

1. It would need to be safe.
2. I would need to be asleep. That way it's like when you"re actually sleeping and wake up.

9,462 posts

1. It would need to be safe.
2. I would need to be asleep. That way it's like when you"re actually sleeping and wake up.

I agree with 1 and for the second I would think putting the person under some form of stasis would be helpful in the process.
187 posts

2. I would need to be asleep. That way it's like when you"re actually sleeping and wake up.

Here's an interesting question or two: would your mind go to the clone? Would the "you" part (as in see, feel, hear, touch,etc the universe) be in the clone? If not, then no matter what happens, the original you is dead.
130 posts

If you watch Futurama, you know they have these tubes that take you places. I thin that would be as close as possible we'll ever get to teleporting.

5,129 posts

If you watch Futurama, you know they have these tubes that take you places. I thin that would be as close as possible we'll ever get to teleporting.

there actualy are plans for a Transatlantic tunnel wich will vacuum powerd. whit speeds from 500km to 8.000km a hour. it's a theoretical plan. and what ive seen about it on discovery channel was prety cool.
492 posts

If you have seen the movie "The Prestige" which is basically a movie about magic where two stage hands that were best friends end up becoming magicians, in this particular movie they are actually just illusionists that call themselves magicians. Well, the friends fight with each other to see who is best and it results in the death of one, and the other one being arrested even though he was innocent. Well, one of them goes to Tesla and asks him to build this giant machine which he uses to "teleport" himself. But it actually clones him and the clone appears in another location while the original "him" falls through a secret trap door and drowns in a tank under the stage. So it looks as if it was the same guy that teleported.

63 posts

Wormholes are the best thing we can do for teleportation. It would make an opening in front of you and on the other side is your destination with no disruption(visual or physical) in the space between it. Wormholes push space to the side and directly connect two points. thus you walk through the portal and you are there, maybe not your stereotypical type of teleport but it works. This would also stray away from any moral issues(suicide).wormholes are the way of the future in my opinion.

5,061 posts

For some strange reason I'm averse to the thought of ripping a hole through time and space, I see your point in that it's a great solution, but the technology is so advanced that we don't know what kind of effects it would have on those who traveled through it, or for that matter how long it takes to travel through, not for the travelers but the rest of the world, it could be instantaneous or a hundred years could pass.

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