ForumsThe TavernKnees

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111 posts

Has anyone severely hurt their knee? I dislocated ( I think) mine back in February and our gym teacher told me to get up and walk it off. He had to help me get up. So then I went to our local doctors office. She told me all was well, that there was nothing wrong and it was just a little swelling. My knee cap was about the size of a grapefruit and the entire knee was black and blue, it was also very painful and hard to move my knee. I couldn't sleep for about 2 days because to whenever I would move the pain would be so bad I would wake up crying. And here we are however many months latter. My knee has been very bad lately, I can barley put preasure on it and it is really swolen again. We now have to drive an hour to get my knee looked at. The closest orthopedic clinic is about ten minutes away but you can't go there without a doctors referal. Fun right? Have any of you had any experience simalar?

  • 4 Replies
13,344 posts

I used to have this problem in my early teenage years with dislocating my knee. If I bent it the wrong way, it would lock into place and I wouldn't be able to walk until it unlocked itself back into place.

They never figured out what was wrong with me. Fortunately, it stopped when I was around 15 or 16.

111 posts

Well, we were doing this video thing called Billie's Boot Camp and I was doing a strech and my knee fell in completely backwards and I felt it pop or something like that. I fell down and then it hurt so bad I just started crying. The bad thing is I couldn't go to the nurse and I had to keep doing the video, I couldn't hardley put any weight on the knee.

4,104 posts

The worst I've had is i one time got stitches on my knee, I had to walk around without bending it for a month.

2,226 posts

I'm doing sports at the high school and when I went into training (sport nurse), I told her where my knees hurt and she said that I had Oscar schleiders or something. It sounds bad, but basically it's just a tendon putting pressure on the growth plate. It's not as serious as a broken bone or anything, but it's still a nuisance.

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