Straight up walkthrough, how i beat the levels. I'd like to apologize that i havnt gotten the walkthrough for all 30 levels, ill get you the remaining three once i complete them. So here you are, the first 27 levels!
Game found here:
Level 1
Jump onto movable box. Click and drag box all the way to end. Jump onto platform with the flag.
Level 2
Jump onto lower box. Change the gravity upward and land on the higher box. Drag both the higher and lower box to the end of their railings. Change gravity downward. Jump into the flag. Level 3
Jump over the spikes onto the box with a railing. Click and drag the box until it is underneath another box. Change gravity upward, then to the right, then downward again.
Level 4
Change gravity to the right. Jump over the spiked ball (be sure you jump using the left arrow key, since gravity is different ) Jump to the box highest on the screen. change gravity downward. Walk down to the flag. Level 5
Walk all the way to the end of the starting platform, turn gravity up (time it so you dont get hit by the ball) quick jump over the incoming ball onto the left platform the looks like an upside down 'L'. Turn gravity right, then downward and walk down to the flag.
Level 6
Walk till underneath the highest platform. Turn gravity up (watch the ball). Jump over the spikes and the ball at the same time. Quickly walk until you are above a platform. Turn gravity downward and walk down to the flag. Level 7
Position yourself underneath the higher of the two blocks that are on the left side. Turn gravity upward. Turn gravity to the right. Jump into the flag (watch the ball)
Level 8
Jump onto the second platform. Turn gravity to the right. Time the following sequence so you dont get hit... Turn gravity upwards, then to the left then walk to the flag using the up arrow (must be done quickly). Level 9
Jump onto nearest block and turn gravity to the right, then upward, then to the left, then downward. Jump to the floating platform and turn the gravity upward. Level 10
Turn gravity upward. Drag the box till you are above another box. Turn gravity downward. Move the higher box all the way to the left of its railing and turn gravity upward, then to the right, then downward.
Level 11
Drag the most left box down so that you may turn gravity right and land on it. Do that as well. Drag the box up a little so it may land on the box when gravity is turned to the left. Do that as well. Turn gravity right (time it well so you dont get hit by spiked boxes.) Level 12
Turn gravity right. Step off the box and fall to the platform on the right. Walk up the platform until in line with the box closest to the center. Turn gravity to the left. Quickly turn gravity upward, then to the right, then downward. Jump in between the spiked boxes to the flag. Level 13
Walk and jump as far right as you can. Jump on the slideable box. Jump onto the box to its right, then the next one, then the next ect. until you reach one of the bottom boxes. From there time one of your jumps to hit the flag, and not the spikes.
Level 14
Move the box with the flag down to just a little above its lowest point. Jump off your platform and land on the LEFT SIDE of the lower platform. Position the slideable box on the right so you may turn gravity onto it. Do so and turn the gravity. Move the box slightly up so that it is inline with the flagbox. Time your gravity turn into the flag. Level 15
*Do the following quickly* Jump over the incoming ball, Turn gravity upward, walk to the other side of the spiked boxes turn gravity downward. Jump over one more ball and race to the flag. Level 16
Jump on the slideable box. Drag the box until you position yourself underneath an open area on one of the top platforms (directly right of the gun). Turn gravity upward. Jump over spiked box to the second platform. Wait for a ball to pass and walk onto the third platform and quickly move until you are above a box. turn gravity downward, get the flag. Level 17
Fall off the right side of the platform. Turn gravity to the left. Jump from box to box until you reach the last box in the row. Turn gravity right then down, and you win.
Level 18 Jump over the spiked box so you are underneath another box (act fast cause the spikes arnt gunna wait for ya. Turn gravity upward. Walk to the box above it. Turn gravity leftward (you should go straight through one box...), then take a small step upward and turn gravity to the right, then downward. Jump the the box above you and turn gravity uupward, then to the right. Walk off the bottom of the box onto the platform on the right. Walk down and turn the gravity to the left to hit the flag (time it and watch the spikes)
Level 19
Go underneath the spiked box on the right side. Turn gravity up, then to the right. Align yourself with the gun on the opposite side. Turn gravity left. Jump over the spikes and dodge one ball. Then turn gravity left when you reach a chance to land on the box safely. Quickly push the up key and you will float to the box directly above the flag. Turn gravity downward.
Level 20
Simple timing. Wait till the fire, then turn gravity right. Again wait then turn gravity up, wait then turn it left, wait then turn it downward.
Level 21
Run to the lever. Hit it. Get the flag.
Level 22
Move the slideable box to a position where you can turn gravity right onto it. Do so. Move the box to the top and jump to hit the lever. Slide down the the box that was moved by the lever and turn gravity to the left. Then turn it down and hit the flag.
Level 23
Jump onto the lower slideable box. Slide it until underneath the left vertical slideable box. Turn gravity upward. Align the two slideable boxes that are vertical so that you may turn the gravity right (timing). Do so. Slide the box you are on top of until you can change the gravity left and land on the left spiked box (slide the box too far on the rail may kill you by being hit by a ball). Move the right vertical slideable box down. Turn gravity right, then upward.
Level 24
Jump to the box left of you. Jump over the next two boxes to the one all the way on the left. Wait till the spikes disappear and drop down to the box below it. Immediately jump up to the box above it and stand on the left side. Wait till the spikes disappear, jump and hit the flag.
Level 25
Fall to the box below you and immediately turn gravity upward. Turn gravity to the left. Jump to the side platform all the way on the left. Walk down to the lever. Walk back up and jump on the nearby box. Turn gravity to the right. Go on the right platform and walk down. Jump and hit the flag.
Level 26
Turn gravity right. Jump your way down till you are behind the gun. Turn gravity left. Walk down to the last block. Turn gravity right. Carefully jump your way up to the lever. Carefully make your way back down to the bottom block. Turn gravity left. Walk to the top block, turn gravity right. Walk to the top block, turn gravity left, walk to the flag.
Level 27
This level is severely glitched. The best way is to simple work your way through the letters until you reach the top of the 'y', fall off, and hit the flag.