if u like green day please name the songs,albums,people, ect. and why u like them.. ohh and people that dont like Green Day i would rather u not give ur 2 cents about how they suck.. thanks
Exactly what I was thinking! What's everyone's favorite pic of billie. This one is mine//www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.greenday.net/wedding.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.greenday.net/news-from4.html&h=353&w=600&sz=56&tbnid=yP40X5zxTTEsYM:&tbnh=69&tbnw=117&rev=/search%3Fq%3Dbillie%2Bjoe%2Barmstrong%2Band%2Badrienne%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=billie+joe+armstrong+and+adrienne&docid=SGGYG1Wxu3w_tM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7pdSTvbjItPKsQLXzrGOBA&sqi=2&ved=0CCAQ9QEwAg&dur=429
It's my wallpaper on my phone :P They look so happy and peaceful and nostalgic in this picture. I smile and almost cry every time I look at it!
I love Green Day. Dookie's my favorite album. My favorite album is probably When I Come Around, and Are We the Waiting. I saw them live in 2006 and they were amazing.
Green day concerts are the epic-est concerts EVER.
I don't know about that... I was only 11 at the time, but it was mindblowing and my 11 year old mind was kinda ruined because Billie Joe dropped an F bomb in every sentence, but it was an effing awesome concert regardless, but I don't think it's the best concert I've been too. I went to AC/DC in 2009 and that was super epic, and then Mayhem fest a month ago tomorrow, which blew my mind completely and I was in a daze for like a week after. But anyway, that Green Day concert was really funny too. It was a great time.
I saw them last year and they became my favorite band. I absolutely think they are the best band currently in the world. I saw them live last year. It was my first concert and has to be the best I have ever seen. He dropped the F bomb from the moment he got onstage to the moment he left. He was taking shots at Justin Beiber at points throughout the concert. Billie Joe was hilarious. I pretty much like everything they put out. My top 5 favorite songs have to be:
1. Brain Stew 2. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield? 3. Coming Clean 4. Letterbomb 5. Geek Stink Breath
That was just an off the top of my head list but once again, everything by them rocks. They have to be my #1 inspiration right now for playing the drums and just life in general.
One other thing... I mainly keep finding that fans who weren't around for Dookie, Insomniac, Nimrod etc, don't really get into that stuff. Most modern day fans think their best song is 21 Guns and that American Idiot is their first good album, which sucks cause everything before Warning is extremely good and I think their modern stuff cannot be compared to their older stuff. You have to look at it like they are two different bands.
I started listening to them when American Idiot came out, and I think that Dookie and Nimrod is better than their newer stuff.
Yeah but I'm just saying, the majority of my friends and just teenagers in general that have somewhat of a liking for Green Day don't know about that stuff. Someone told me that that song BadDay, ya know, "I had a bad day, I sang a sad song..." Yeah they thought that was green day and people agreed with him. I was floored.