Great evil has risen in your world, the gate of infinity has been opened by an evil force not yet known to mankind. Horrid creatures roam are lands and terrorize it's citizens. People are looking for a hero, a combatant to defeat and close the gate once and for all. Your weak for now, but your determined to grow strong, and defeat the most difficult and dangerous enemies.
--------------------------- Character Sheet ---------------------------
------------------------------ Stats in detail ------------------------------
Level- Your overal experience, If your a higher level, your chance to "Hit" increases
Health- When reaches 0 you must start over, or wait 12 hours to automatically resurrect at the nearest town, you lose all PUL towards your next level.
Damage- Amount of health enemy looses if you "hit"
Accuracy- Your chance to hit is increased
Speed- Amount of damage you automatically deal before combat
(Note: the only way to boost speed accuracy and damage stats is through gear, special items, and class abilities. Leveling only increases your max health and your level)
Your class determines what abilities you will have access too and several stat changes you will need to apply. (there are ALOT of classes to chose from, enjoy
==Soldier- Starts game with 5 extra health (5/5->10/10) At level 5- Before a battle you may take 3 damage to increase your accuracy and damage by "2" At level 15- No limit to the amount of items you may carry, you may equip arrows and bullets. At level 25- You may carry "2" 2 handed weapons. At level 30- Increases health and max health by "20" At level 50- You may reduce health by 35 to increase your damage output by "1"
==Shaman- Starts game with "1" Speed. (Speed-0->Speed-1) At level 5- Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (10/10) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 5- You may spend 5 mana to heal as many players as you want in range (or you) by 2 health. At level 25- You may summon a tree spirit to fight for you (Level= Your level, Damage= 1 Health= 3/3) At level 30- You may spend 25 mana to bring a player back to life with half health. At level 50- You may spend 15 mana to deal 8 damage to up to 3 enemies.
==Archer- Starts game with "1" Accuracy. (Acc.-1->Acc.-2) At level 5- You may equip arrows and bullets At level 15- If you "hit" on the first turn you deal double damage At level 25- If you "hit" on the second turn your accuracy is increased by "10" for the rest of the battle At level 30- Increases your speed by "5" At level 50- Cost of all gear at shops reduced by 10%, can tame animals and creatures
==Priest- Initial health reduced to 3/3, At level 5- Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (20/20) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 5- You may spend 5 Mana to heal a target by 9 health. At level 25- You may spend 35 mana to bring a player back to life with full health At level 30- You may spend 40 mana to heal a target by 85 health At level 50- If your killed in combat, you may continue to use mana burning skills on other players, and drink, despite death.
==Mage- Damage increased to "3" (Damage-1 -> Damage-3) At level 5- Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (15/15) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 5- You may spend 5 Mana to deal 3 damage to an enemy target At level 25- You may spend 10 mana to be granted flight for 1 hour At level 30- You may create food and water. Usable only twice a day. At level 50- You may spend 35 Mana to deal 30 damage to an enemy target.
==Rogue- Starts game with "3" Speed. health reduced to 2/2. At level 5- You may render yourself invisible. If you attack your invisibility fades At level 15- if your opponent does not "hit" you twice in a row, doubles your damage output for the round At level 25- You may use "oison" At level 30- You may see in the dark At level 50- You may wield up to "3" 1 handed weapons.
==Warlock- Can eat and drink almost anything At level 5- Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (30/30) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 5- You may spend 20 mana to reduce your opponents "damage" by "1" At level 15- You may summon an evil minion to fight for you (Level= Your level, Damage= 2 Health= 1/1) At level 30- You may spend 15 mana to deal 10 damage to an enemy At level 50- You may reduce your health in half to recover all missing mana, usable once per battle.
==Buccaneer- Level faster then other classes (PUL->3/3) At level 5- Recover 1 health each time you "hit" the enemy. At level 15- Cost for all gear at store -30% At level 25- May equip bullets and arrows. At level 30- You may build construct and use ships (Parts cost gold) At level 50- each time you "hit" an enemy reduce there "mana (if they use any) by "4"
==Paladin- Starts game with 2 extra health (5/5->7/7) At level 5- 50% cheaper costs for a mount At level 15- Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (15/15) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 15- You may spend 15 mana to heal all of your missing health At level 30- You may decrease your health by 25 and increase a players or your mana by "15". Usable once per battle. At level 50- You take 2 less damage from all sources. You take 5 less damage from magic.
==Scout- Can ask host for information and always get a correct answer (example: What is there to the north?) At level 5- Can attempt to flee (65% chance of success) not usable in dungeons At level 15- While with other players there accuracy is increased by "5" At level 35- Can tame wild animals and creatures At level 40- While with other players there damage output is increased by "3" At level 50- While other players are in a party with you, they gain twice the amount of PUL. Player's past level 30 no longer are affected by this, does not stack.
==Droid- Starts game with mana. Add's "Mana" to your stat sheet. (50/50) Mana is recovered with liquids and increases with items and gear. At level 5- Can spend 10 mana to turn into a Lion At level 10- Can spend 10 mana to turn into a Bear At level 15- Can spend 30 mana to turn into a Dauphin At level 30- Can spend 30 mana to turn into a Walking Tree At level 50- Can spend 40 mana to turn into a Falcon
==Summoner- Starts with 35 Gold (Gold-0 -> Gold-35) At level 5- Can spend 10 gold to teleport anywhere in the game At level 10- You may summon an elemental to fight for you (Level= Your level, Damage= 1 Health= 6/6) At level 15- Can spend 15 gold to teleport another player anywhere in the game. At level 30- Can read minds At level 50- You may summon a Greater Elemental to fight for you (Level= Your level, Damage= 5 Health= 15/15). Unlike other pets and companions GE can be healed and buffed by abilities.
Creating a party is important when trying to defeat dungeons. To take down dungeons that are your level you will likely need "3" sum players. Otherwise parties are great for leveling. To start a party request people to join.
------------------------------ Town's Cities and Zones ------------------------------
There are lots of towns and cities to explore, along with tons and tons of locations, some including huge vast forests, terrible dungeons, and forgotten ruins. Towns will provide food, water, comfort storage and gear, while other places provide you with experience and loot.
Players may always attack other players, if you defeat a player who is the same level or higher then you, you claim all in his or her backpack. Otherwise you do not get any loot. To avoid loosing gear use city banks.
------------------------------ Final Words ------------------------------
Lastly, to join in post your character sheet, I will then give you details to what there is too see in the city of "Pilrow" (starting place). You will probably want to pick a map up and talk to some of the NPC's to get you started
Your game begins in "Pilrow" . There are several locations in Pilrow along with a northern southern and eastern exit. To the west lies to ocean. You may visit anyone of these places
General Store Bank Auction House Tavern Residential Area Town Hall docks