ForumsProgramming Forummy developments! please take a look!:)

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311 posts

well i was a simple spriter til i though they need to do something but sit there, i could get other devs to use my sprites but they never gave credit like they should! so i tryed programming my self! after trying GML and having problems (don't get started on that one...) i tryed flash, every one said it was bad back a GM but i found it was wounderfull! so here i am programming flash! i have been in the learning stage for a year, i wanted to get a good start and learn from the top and not free website! so i looked at moock colins books and feel in love with AS3! hre is a link to my site

Flying Fox Development

i would love any ideas or hints from the oldys and the newbies about developing! also for newbies there is a dev's corner full of links and such for programs and such!

but i would be glad to link to other dev sites so we can create a web of devs and help every one out big or small!

i apershate any comments! and thanks for any help! i am glad to help and thankfull for any help!
(atleast vist it please!)

  • 31 Replies
2,763 posts

i tryed flash, every one said it was bad back a GM but i found it was wounderfull!

I bet everyone in GM site forums would say Flash sucks. Their opinions on programming doesn't hold against a fresh fart in the breeze.

Here is a review:

The site itself: Pretty bland free generated site that anyone can whip up. Absolutely nothing interesting about it. Someone would question your taste in designing it.

Games: Looks like you just experimented with a flash platforming engine.

Also reading your comments is painful. You get no respect if you can't properly punctuate and spell words out.

The first part of being a developer is learning and than creating stuff yourself.
324 posts

Actually, I like it
Very good job kyahco, I wonder what you will submit in the future, your collision and movement engine are pretty cool. But sometimes you need to try to make your own code without a library, if you learn to make your own functions you just going to take a great benefit from any programming language. The other people libraries helps a lot, but try to create your own functions and that. Anyway, I like your web page and im sure that noob programmers like me just gonna find your web very interesting. Keep it kyahco, im sure you just gonna make really good games soon

311 posts

thank toony!

but dark root, i did not make it as a big pretty site, i made it as a portale for some people to use to see my progress. and maybe to get people in the right derctiuon.

plus i DID NOT USE A PLATFORMER ENGINE!!! all i used was flashpunk which is a very very very simple engine, i realy just use it for the updating support and world and entity support too.

and guys i have been at this for a year! i have read almost all of moock colins actionscript the definitive guide, then i have read a lot of his newer boock for AS3, both the adobe team proof reader and helped on to make sherh it is perfect! i can do all that stuff i just find it easyer to use that instead of starting from scratch.

that game is only the start i will update it to make more to it and then stop (so i don't give up my ideas) and then complete it and summit it here. you can't judge me by the game on the site right now there is a lot more to it that i have not updated to the site, but they are not user ready.

Also reading your comments is painful. You get no respect if you can't properly punctuate and spell words out.

please... i agree i am bad with this, but you get no respect if your going to judge me by this!! i have the gift of dyslexia! i am trying to get round some of it, but unless you have it you CAN NOT understand how hard it is just to spell your name some times! no i am not stupid albert instine had it. it is complex and of topic!

The site itself: Pretty bland free generated site that anyone can whip up. Absolutely nothing interesting about it. Someone would question your taste in designing it.

but it is a free site yes (so what), yes any one could wip it up but any one can program to! nothing interesting about it! what! though it is bland it is still early, what do you want AG don over again! and about my taste... you have no right to talk about my taste and that does not even make any sence

The first part of being a developer is learning and than creating stuff yourself.

i have... this is a beta prototype game what do you not get about BETA PROTOTYPE! but i learned for a year (longer that a lot of read-website-then-start people!

no offence darkroot, but thanks for encourigging... NOT.
2,763 posts

and guys i have been at this for a year! i have read almost all of moock colins actionscript the definitive guide, then i have read a lot of his newer boock for AS3, both the adobe team proof reader and helped on to make sherh it is perfect! i can do all that stuff i just find it easyer to use that instead of starting from scratch.

Congrats on the one year but that's not enough.

but dark root, i did not make it as a big pretty site, i made it as a portale for some people to use to see my progress. and maybe to get people in the right derctiuon.

If the site the portfolio is on looks bad then it colors the clients perspective of your work.

please... i agree i am bad with this, but you get no respect if your going to judge me by this!! i have the gift of dyslexia! i am trying to get round some of it, but unless you have it you CAN NOT understand how hard it is just to spell your name some times! no i am not stupid albert instine had it. it is complex and of topic!

You can spell check your post right in the textbox if you have Firefox. I doubt I would have even mediocre spelling ability without it. I had friends in highschool that were dyslexic and were still able to hand in essays with flawless spelling and punctuation. Also I'm a Psychology major so I know a lot about all types of disorders and I know that dyslexia is not a disorder that affects intelligence. I have worked with dyslexic individuals many times it is a quite manageable.

but it is a free site yes (so what), yes any one could wip it up but any one can program to! nothing interesting about it! what! though it is bland it is still early, what do you want AG don over again! and about my taste... you have no right to talk about my taste and that does not even make any sence

I had my taste questioned many times while working with web development. You have to learn to accept that your designing might not be the best and especially if you not that experienced. If you want to work for people you will have to be able to take critiques better. Especially in programming where your boss might be less qualified than you and still think he knows more than you.

no offence darkroot, but thanks for encourigging... NOT.

No offense I'm not here to stroke your ego you wanted opinions on your site and game and I gave them to you. If you don't like my critiques just say so and I won't post here anymore.
311 posts

No offense I'm not here to stroke your ego you wanted opinions on your site and game and I gave them to you. If you don't like my critiques just say so and I won't post here anymore.

... I don't want to to "stroke my ego", I agree with a lot of what you said (some not), but I would like it if you would have been more polite
about it, any don't just give "you did wrong" also give some "this is good" too, and you did not even tell or give me any idea on how to fix any problems, that is my main problem with your post, you can post as much as you want but please be polite and considerate about it. you can tell anything or anyone its doing things wrong all you want but that does not help unless you help the learn how to fix those problems and be nice about it. if I wanted people to just say "your doing it wrong" and not help me with it I would go back to GM where they had little newbies in the forums because they tore them apart instead of helping them find what is "the right way".

you (darkroot) are free to post he but if you just tell me "I am wrong" and not help me get on the right direction or give me any "this you did good on though" please don't post here again, so let me tell you "your wrong on how you went about it, next time please show me who i can fix it and also piont out any thing i did right and not be completely negative about it, thank you".

but any who i updated the sites looks to a lot more "flashy, pretty, cool" look and am going to fix any spelling errors right now. next time i get internet i hope to add to the game on the site (i have a follow or really a "mimic with following" up and running but i need to fix up some graphics changes to it to so i can't put it on now, plus i and getting moving platforms and am using an XML level editor so i can make levels easier, faster and better, so no more white basic blocks! tune in soon!lol )!
2,763 posts

... I don't want to to "stroke my ego", I agree with a lot of what you said (some not), but I would like it if you would have been more polite

Not everyone is going to be especially nice to you through the industry and you didn't sound like you agreed with almost anything I said earlier.

about it, any don't just give "you did wrong" also give some "this is good" too, and you did not even tell or give me any idea on how to fix any problems, that is my main problem with your post, you can post as much as you want but please be polite and considerate about it.

I didn't find anything I found especially good. If you didn't copy and paste the majority of your game then that was pretty good but it didn't look like you made %100 of the game. It's hard to give you advice when I really don't see you being proactive in learning. You don't have problems because you don't have much on your site period to fix.

you (darkroot) are free to post he but if you just tell me "I am wrong" and not help me get on the right direction or give me any "this you did good on though" please don't post here again, so let me tell you "your wrong on how you went about it, next time please show me who i can fix it and also piont out any thing i did right and not be completely negative about it, thank you".

It's like you looking for people to justify you continuing on working on your site. If you keep on working on it you are bound to produce something good but right now I don't see anything that you took time into making. I'm here to help people code and give them the best advice to learn if they can muster the motivation to do so, not so much giving general advice on non-coding stuff.

but any who i updated the sites looks to a lot more "flashy, pretty, cool" look and am going to fix any spelling errors right now.

The main problem is you got a free website that you then click button to generate. There is no coding involved thus that's a problem. Your choice of free hosting is also not the best. Wordpress is a million times better and actually lets you edit the appearance to a greater degree. If you want to pay they let you control edit the code of the site. But otherwise free generate websites are not programming and arguably don't' even belong in this forum. So here is some advice, learn to produce your own webpages. It's a fairly simple feat and there are resources everywhere on the internet to do so.

i have a follow or really a "mimic with following" up and running but i need to fix up some graphics changes to it to so i can't put it on now, plus i and getting moving platforms and am using an XML level editor so i can make levels easier, faster and better, so no more white basic blocks! tune in soon!lol )!

You know the more I play the game and then read that your using a XML level editor the less I believe that you made the game. If you did then explain in detail what type of collision system your using.

next time i get internet i hope to add to the game on the site (i have a follow or really a "mimic with following" up and running but i need to fix up some graphics changes to it to so i can't put it on now, plus i and getting moving platforms and am using an XML level editor so i can make levels easier, faster and better, so no more white basic blocks! tune in soon!lol )!
311 posts

ugh darkroot please calm down! i did all that code MY SELF!!! all the XML editor does is : i give it files for the images and then data to make a grid then i import that XMl code in to the level editor and then place the IMAGES on the grid then it gives me back in an XML file the location of it and the sprite map index, i then code BY MY SELF AND NOT COPE AND PASTED (i almost never do that!) the code to read the XML file it then assigns the objects with the location and and sprite map index though there construtor with a for each loop.

you are assuming a lot of untrue thing sir! i know HTML 3.2 (i need to learn 5) but you don't need to program HTML to be in this part of the forum! all you need to know is the rules really, but it is best to know some flash langue if you want to be a dev here!

i agree with some and some not you are just going about it in the wrong way! you even said that you did not see any thing good in my works which could make some one run away from this forum! i gave you a chance to be polite, not to never correct me i like and need correction but not if it is so negative, and you never say any thing nice! you have completely made this topic an argument and that is not what i wanted!

thank you sir and DON' POST HERE AGAIN PLEASE i can't stop you but hopefully you aren't so rude to continue posting!

324 posts

Sorry if this is off topic but, I think that Darkroot is little jealous XD

2,763 posts

and of course you couldn't even describe your collision system. Which really shows that you probably didn't code it and I'm not here to help people who copy other peoples codes without even trying to learn about it. I'll leave your thread alone if you wish.

Sorry if this is off topic but, I think that Darkroot is little jealous XD

So much so.
324 posts

and of course you couldn't even describe your collision system.

Mmm...Kyahco, I im curious of how do you did your collision system, can you describe it to us? Is just that your collision system is wonderful and I want to know how it works, but of course I understand if you dont want to describe the collision to us because the collision systems are codes with a lot of work and maybe you dont wanna share it to the world by free
311 posts

i will, it is a &quotixel perfect" system and darkroot hold on tight!!! here is the code!

for (var i:int = 0; i < Math.abs(Vol.x); i += 1)
if (!collide("solid", x + FP.sign(Vol.x), y))
x += FP.sign(Vol.x);
if (Vol.x > 0) {"standRCB&quot;} else {"standCB&quot; }
Vol.x = 0;

for (i = 0; i < Math.abs(Vol.y); i += 1)
if (!collide("solid", x, y +FP.sign(Vol.y))) { y += FP.sign(Vol.y); } else { Vol.y = 0; }

sorry for bad format it uses some basic flashpunk funtions
i expects that you have a velocity system set up and such but there is the raw code! here is flashpunk collide function

public function collide(type:String, x:Number, y:Number):Entity
if (!_world) return null;

var e:Entity = _world._typeFirst[type];
if (!collidable || !e) return null;

_x = this.x; _y = this.y;
this.x = x; this.y = y;

if (!_mask)
while (e)
if (x - originX + width > e.x - e.originX
&& y - originY + height > e.y - e.originY
&& x - originX < e.x - e.originX + e.width
&& y - originY < e.y - e.originY + e.height
&& e.collidable && e !== this)
if (!e._mask || e._mask.collide(HITBOX))
this.x = _x; this.y = _y;
return e;
e = e._typeNext;
this.x = _x; this.y = _y;
return null;

while (e)
if (x - originX + width > e.x - e.originX
&& y - originY + height > e.y - e.originY
&& x - originX < e.x - e.originX + e.width
&& y - originY < e.y - e.originY + e.height
&& e.collidable && e !== this)
if (_mask.collide(e._mask ? e._mask : e.HITBOX))
this.x = _x; this.y = _y;
return e;
e = e._typeNext;
this.x = _x; this.y = _y;
return null;

again sorry for format it is very basic and use some off its own system (like the world and entity, a world is a big list of entitys (instances of objects placed in world normally updated by world though the update function that exerts every frame!) basically, it is more than that).

but you need flashpunk to get it as i did but you can send hours reinventing the wheel for all your games i will just make this wheel better (as i made the collide to a pixel perfect one)

but darkroot why do you think i am lien? i am if any thing not a lier! i love flash! and i would never copy and paste! why would i? really what would be the point?

Sorry if this is off topic but, I think that Darkroot is little jealous XD

So much so.

so is that it? darkroot? you got the knowledge of all those laungues and such why would you be jealous?

BUT READ THIS!!! that code up there (my code not flashpunks go to then and they will tell you your rights to it i think it is an "as is&quot IS UNDER A CREATIVE COMMON LICENSE YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE OR USE COMMERCIALLY OR USE WITH OUT CREDIT, if you want to use any of that code just either give me a donation (i don't have that set up yet...) or give me good credit it is the LAW thanks! (TOONY i am free to wave this at any time, and for YOU ONLY can use the code how ever you want! this is from one friend Dev to the other!)

but as i said darkroot just be polite... i can't stop you from being here...
4,104 posts

I'm just going to point out that posting your code doesn't prove you understand it. It's like claiming you know a word, and when asked to explain it, you give someone a link to a definition of the word (this happens often enough in the WEPR). I can post a link to the definition to any word that exists, doesn't mean i actually comprehend the definition.

why would you be jealous?

Because it was a terrible accusation. I'm guessing he's just very skeptic of how a beginner could pull this off.
311 posts

oy.., how do you expect me to do that! do you want me to put my brain on a table and show you it is thinking like a dev?!?!? it is pritty simple code realy, yes i looked at a few ideas but that code i did my self i plan o chancing it to a function and adding to it to do slopes...

Because it was a terrible accusation. I'm guessing he's just very skeptic of how a beginner could pull this off.

why? i study hard read really big book like AS3 essentails and learn the best i can! if some one with a years woth of work can't do my platformmer, that seems silly i does not take that mush, though if you can't that is fine as every one works at there own pase and if mine is a little faster waht is the big deal! so because i am doing good that means i am just copying and pasting?!?! that is some good resoning there(not)! do you think that, master565? do you toony? the people over at flashpunk do not! they all know these ways of doing things! sher i did not make it from scratch, but i coded that myself made it fit right and added to it and mashh several idea to gether...

sorry go to go...
2,763 posts

i will, it is a &quotixel perfect" system and darkroot hold on tight!!! here is the code!

I didn't ask you to post the code I said describe it as in explain what you are using or how it works to show that you understand as3 to that level.

but you need flashpunk to get it as i did but you can send hours reinventing the wheel for all your games i will just make this wheel better (as i made the collide to a pixel perfect one)

All CS majors and programmers reinvent something already made it's good practice and it doesn't hurt intuitively knowing what you using from experience. I wouldn't use something that I haven't already tried to make myself. Also you only need to make an engine once for you game. It's not like all your past work disappears.

but darkroot why do you think i am lien? i am if any thing not a lier! i love flash! and i would never copy and paste! why would i? really what would be the point?

Easy to show off or make yourself feel better I've seen it many times here and others were called out before for ripping of stuff and calling it there own. I'm not saying you did that but from past experience I am very skeptical of people that cannot explain the things there are doing or using.

so is that it? darkroot? you got the knowledge of all those laungues and such why would you be jealous?

I was being sarcastic but it seems it was lost to most people here. I am not jealous, flash isn't even my favorite program and as3 my favorite language. I'm not a web dev student so it isn't even necessary for my education. Most of my peers would call me out for using such an un-academic program. I just have an interest in all things related to computing and some that are branched off and related to more specialized computing specializations.

Because it was a terrible accusation. I'm guessing he's just very skeptic of how a beginner could pull this off.

Yep the above statement is correct and I still hold to that.

Just a side thought
or give me good credit it is the LAW thanks!
it funny how people think American law is universal. Not that I have a problem people protecting their intellectual property, it's just amusing.
2,763 posts

oy.., how do you expect me to do that! do you want me to put my brain on a table and show you it is thinking like a dev?!?!? it is pritty simple code realy, yes i looked at a few ideas but that code i did my self i plan o chancing it to a function and adding to it to do slopes...

It's actually not that simple it's above beginner level. I'm sorry I don't believe you and with that I won't post in your thread unless someone addresses a comment to me directly which I would prefer to be posted on my profile since the OP probably doesn't want to have a long discussion to what doesn't deal directly with their developments.
Showing 1-15 of 31