here is my walkthrough for saving the company, oh and click control 5 times on control freak lvl, if u have any wuestions feel free to ask
I got stuck on the control freak level! Ctrl... How did I not think of that? lol
lol, thats the only one people ever get stuck on, that y i posted it here to save people the time of looking at the vid lol
lol. i got stuck at " control freak " and i wrote Saving the Company walkthrou in google ...and as i see we all stuck in the same level xD
use ctrl at control freak
what about 'you can drag them'?
u can move the blocks with the mouse on that lvl
what about 31425
Hit the 3rd block, 1st block, 4th, 2nd, 5th.
The boss level is hard, but always stay in the middle when he's running.
how do u get past the take a break level
wait a few seconds and a hole will open in take a break level
LOL HA HA I realy like the ending it is so funny XD
wat about go back
go back and get the key for that 1
my fastest time is 3:50
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