In Exit Path 2, there is a bar at the top of the screen that anounces major updates. This would be a pretty good idea for the ArmorGames homepage. It could anounce maitnace dates, versoin release dates, and new mods/admins. Any body like this idea?
hmmmm... hmmm... not Sher about it... it sounds good... can't see why not... though it is not AG's custom to over use the tool bar in AG3... well it might be just as good to connect that with the activity stream so that all users get that steam so AG does not have to make any thing new... sorry for the dots... I'm thinking... so i guess that is a "good idea but why make a new system? lets use the old system and send it to every member, that way it is easier and save time and data!".
We've already planned an announcement area. For those that were around the weekend of August 14th, you would have seen a yellow area above every game warning that some database maintenance was coming up.