ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Guild V.2

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358 posts

This is a revival of the ever popular zombie survival club/guild.
This will feature role play and realism on zombie survival scenario's. Relating your initial admissions to the works of others, such as copying the zombie survival guide is strictly prohibited. We want original material and realism in your posts. I and any other accepted members will judge it, and if we deem your post fit then you are allowed into the group.

When in the group, we will submit various idea's and situations that could occur within the at present, fictional, zombie outbreak and aftermath.

You will have to use your wits to survive, and innovation.
And remember, necessity is the mother of invention.

That is all for now. When doing your admittance posts, please keep it to your actual dimensions and physical ability and experience. We are not all Solid Snakes and Rambo's who can crap out grenades and barf rainbows.

If you don't want to be too personal about it, just give a basic description and leave it at that.

  • 6 Replies
96 posts

I would seek out a abandoned storm shelter and make that my base of operations. Finding food and water would be first priority. Then finding some means of defending myself would next. After all that, hold out as long as I can.

1,447 posts

I would first find a shelter maybe in an abandoned house find something to defend food water and then find a vehicle to get out

1,255 posts

well i have one idea that i think its good ...

1-il gather a big bag put these stuff in it :first aid kit-some clothes (warm and cold clothes) a radio(so i can hear what events are happening or hear about survivers a knife from kitchen or i try to find a stick or something that i can defend my self with !a flash light a long rope (yeah a rope maybe i needed it for climbing or some more stuff)some papers and some pens and pencils and oh some egg (probebly cooked for eating ...)lots of candels and matches and at the end lots of water !! i try to find the keys to my dads car if i dint found them or something like that il hop on my bysicle and put the bag on my back and move fast as i can i try to go to the lowest population place in town and find a empty house (a apartment) and close the door and put some stuff behind the door like some chairs tables and some heavy stuffs and i will go to the top floor (roof) and stay there so if i saw any zombie movment i find out ... il stay there for three or four days there and listen to radio all time ... waiting for any news or survivers if there werent any survivers or news and zombie activities were low il get out of building and try to find a car with the keys around il start the car and take my stuff with my self probebly go out town and find a farm take a horse there (cause horses dont need fuel and they are good for going to thin places and roads to ... )in my way i eat food water and if i were out il try to find the nearest city or town or house or farm and take food and stuff ... i do this for months and go with my horse to the cold places of my country its full of mountains and zombies cant stand cold ... il go there wear my warm clothes and ... try to stay alive and .. find ppl and live if zombies camed there to i go to south or west where there is see and boats il take my horse i go to those place find a boat hop in them and if there are any survivers with me il take them to start the boat engine and just get the hell out of there ... and for food and water we warm the water till its a regular water and about food there is fish always to eat ...

1,078 posts

After gathering food and resources for survival, I would probably find a friend or two. After we meet up, we'd go to a junkyard. Within the junkyard we would find parts of old broken stuff and build a vehicle that would work kind of like a bicycle, but with air compressors on the pedals so we wouldn't have to pedal. Personally, I'd stay away as far away from a heavily populated city as possible. Also, if possible, I would try to find a way to mutate the zombie virus so that the effects would be reversed, and they would die. Of course for it to work I'd need a lab and captured subjects. In a hypothetical world, let's say one of my mutagens work. Using riot gas grenades as a method of dispersal, the zombie threat would begin to die out. About 50 years later life returns to normal.

2,226 posts

If the infection isn't completely fake (like Resident Evil), I'd probably head out towards the farm lands. Not a lot of people to turn into zombies or vandalize anything, plenty of space, sustainable food, as long as I learned how to grow the food I'd be set.

58 posts

I would avoid the zombies until i found a means of arming myself. Me and my friends actually made a plan to meet up at a location if there actually was a zombie outbreak. I would grab my bow and all the arrows because guns run out of ammo arrows are reusable and you can make more if your resourceful. In most cases food is a priority but in an actual zombie outbreak it would be dangerous to go into places like stores, malls, and most of all avoid grocery stores chances are there will be a riot there and mass infection plus a lot of fighting. I would probably rig some homemade explosives NEVER making things like Molotov cocktails why? its simple a zombie coming toward you is bad enough a flaming zombie 10X worse. Finding shelter a second priority you always would want to arm yourself first Like i said before I would use my bow if you have a sword (katanas best) take it they can come in handy as a last resort or close quarters fighting. Establishing shelter well I would look for an easily defendable position like on a hill or surrounded by water on a couple sides. If you find survivors diplomacy is the key to getting them to join you, if the group is heavily armed or have weapons the important thing would be making them think your a valuable asset to them and not a waste of their supplies and if you have a goldmine of food and/or supplies wait till you get to know them well before giving them the food/supplies they could kill you and take that all away from you. I would constantly remind myself politics is dead and all the laws void so anything could happen if you meet a group of survivors. Blunt weapons wouldn't be a good thing to use because to kill a zombie you must take out its brain how are you going to do that with a baseball bat especially if you are surrounded. Zombies are fragile break their legs and they will go down but you would have to be careful and make sure to kill it so it doesn't bite you in the leg and infect you. Popular zombie killing weapons like chainsaws and shotguns aren't that helpful shotguns have a bit of kickback and a large spray they are mid range weapons at best rifles are better for sniping shotguns could be used for defense in close quarters combat. chainsaws really noisy and dangerous if you injure yourself there is no more hospitals. You would want to build simple fortifications zombies can be really stupid opening a door for us is easy a zombie cant really turn doorknobs they will trip over a lot of stuff like if you cut down a small tree a zombie could trip over that the spiked barricades are a great idea zombies couldn't easily get past those unless your talking about super zombies. Thats it for now wow that didn't cover too much of zombie survival just a little bit of the basics and my thoughts about what's good and bad in a zombie invasion.

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