Don't be too sure. I like to play chess and checkers, and they both require strategy to win. If you are bored by checkers, here's a challenge: win without jumping any pieces or having any of your pieces jumped. I know it can be done 'cause I've done it.
Chess is better because it actually takes a lot more strategy and common sense. Different pieces with different strengths and weaknesses. Every time you play a game of chess, the mid-game will almost always be different.
win without jumping any pieces or having any of your pieces jumped. I know it can be done 'cause I've done it. Isn't the goal of checkers to jump all your opponents pieces?
The goal is to win. There are multiple ways to do so: 1. Jump all opposing pieces, 2. Jump some opposing pieces, and block the rest so that they cannot move, or 3. Block all opposing pieces so that on the opponents turn, they have no move while you have at least one move. Some would say that #3 is a default win, but it's still a win.
I like both chess and checkers, but I definitely prefer chess. I find it to be the more challenging of the two games. Not to get this thread off track or anything, but is there anyone else here who plays go?
Chess is the best, it requires more intellect than checkers. Chess games can go on for awhile, which I consider fun, but checkers is more fast paced than chess. I also like the different pieces in chess, since they all don't play the exact same way. Either way, I still enjoy both games.