ForumsWEPR9/11 Anniversary Question

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Do you feel there was a thorough investigation as to how or what happened during 9/11? Just curious.. I personally think it could have been more extensive.

  • 29 Replies
3,139 posts

e know that 9/11 could have been prevented because there were some warnings.

What exactly did the government do about said warnings?
Why wasn't there more security?
2,487 posts

Why wasn't there more security?

because we didn't think anybody would actually try to ram a plane into a building in new york on purpose.
3,139 posts

because we didn't think anybody would actually try to ram a plane into a building in new york on purpose.

See, apparently yous did

The Federal Aviation Administration received repeated warnings in the months before Sept. 11, 2001, that al Qaeda hoped to attack airlines, according to a previously undisclosed report by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks.
3,817 posts

People have the right to ask questions, don't be such a troll.

They have the right to ask questions, I have the right to ridicule them for asking stupid questions. Once you cross a certain point of insanity you really shouldn't be spreading it.

I'm not sure the full extent of the investigation, i don't think any of us are - the government never bothers to release all the information do they?

I think they did quite a lot, but i think the fact there's still many people questioning it shows that more could have been done.

So by this logic, we should be looking for Hitler because some people believe that he is still alive. Or that he never did the Holocaust, and the Jews just made it up to get sympathy and Israel. Does it make any since? No. Or do you listen to some guys denying the Holocaust with things like "Well you could be right, we better go do an investigation on this!"?

Lulz Grimml, i don't mean conspiracy wise. I mean the families of those affected. I'm sure they haven't got every answer they'd like.

This is a conspiracy, why should it be treated any differently than the others?

I would like to know why we did so much when there are so many other things we could've done.

before i continue, I would like to appologize for what I'm about to say. I'm looking at this from a logical standpoint.

There are so many more people in america dying on the highway than from a terrorist attack. if we really wanted to damage them, we needed to give them the biggest insult a warrior can give to another, to be ignored. we can still mourn those who died, but we shouldn't have done so many counter terrorism techniques because they practically had no effect. because of our prejudice, muslims are alienated in america for no reason, and the rest of the world hates us for being so overzealous.

Who cares if more of the millions of people are dying from accidents than from an attack? That is a logical thing, that is like saying "Well, we know Jimmy shot up the school, then ran off into the forest, but kids are starving in Africa right now, so we won't follow him". The existence of greater evils does not dismiss lesser evils.

What exactly would ignoring them accomplish? Another terrorist attack? The equivalent to them yelling "Pay attention to me!" is another large building going down, I am fairly certain ignoring them would be a bad idea. Muslims being alienated may be native for them, but the group they are mildly associated with via the fact it was religious terrorism leads that, pretty much no matter what the government's reaction was, the people effected would still hate them.

we should've just rebuilt and pretended it never happened. it is just like a bullying situation: it goaded us into fighting when we should've ignored it. nothing good comes from this violence, but we were so blinded by fear, rage, and sadness that we would agree to anything if we thought it would help.

As apposed to whistling and pretending nothing had happened?

So you have probably heard about Pearl Harbor (I assume your country has it in it's curriculum?) which pretty much has been labeled the straw that broke the camels back with America entering WWII. Though they did relatively little there, they did it because only 3,000 men where killed or injured, with some navy damaged. And those where soldiers in a military base. Would you say that was justified?

Now we are talking about about the same situation. This time, instead of a navel base, it was a civilian target. Should this instigate war, or should we turn the other direction and whistle during PH?

What exactly did the government do about said warnings?
Why wasn't there more security?

I would like to see your source where it says something about the warnings. What security are you suggesting? Anti-aircraft guns and jets shooting down the planes? That still would have killed the civilians on the planes. And you had to get the correct plane, a normal looking plane.

So what do you suggest they should have done? Run into a paranoia even greater than our modern day version? Put armed guards at every airport, everywhere, for an undisclosed amount of time? Stop anyone who looked even remotely suspicious from ever going on a plane?
2,487 posts


the simple fact is that terrorists only have power if we give it to them. if they hit us and we flinch, they will say "two for flinching" and hit us again.

As apposed to whistling and pretending nothing had happened?

that is exactly what we should've done. in fact, if we ignored the attack, I sure as heck guarantee you american troops wouldn't be in iraq "fighting terrorists" or in afghanistan forcing democracy upon the tribes there. we were just like the europeans in africa blindly bringing the light of "civilization" when they were just fine on their own. they had rescources there so we decided to justify invading it by telling ourselves it's for the good of democracy. in my view, we were hungry for new rescources, and 9/11 happened almost conveniently to give us an excuse to go into the middle east for our own selfish gain. we've spent trillions of dollars funding these wars when our economy would be better if we used that money to pay off america's deficit. the only thing we got out of these wars was the rest of the world hating us because of our intolerance and hunger for war, and we wouldn't have political nutjobs running around saying "muslim terrorists" for every little problem we have.

secretly, we knew we were going into WWII before pearl harbor, but it gave us an excuse to speed up the plans.

Who cares if more of the millions of people are dying from accidents than from an attack? That is a logical thing, that is like saying "Well, we know Jimmy shot up the school, then ran off into the forest, but kids are starving in Africa right now, so we won't follow him". The existence of greater evils does not dismiss lesser evils.

let me put it to you like this, if some police officer's died, the public wouldn't care that happens all the time. if a single old man gets shot, then everybody freaks out and demands the head of the guy who did it. by your logic, we should spend trillions of dollars making the american infrastructure safe while spending another set of trillions funding the war. I think we should deal with the problem that is more dangerous, than the one that is more dramatic. the ammount of casualties that come from terrorist attacks is a small leak compared to the huge crack in the dam that is caused by car accidents. in this case, we should spend more time repairing the large crack, then focus on the small leak because it isn't as serious.
3,817 posts

the simple fact is that terrorists only have power if we give it to them. if they hit us and we flinch, they will say "two for flinching" and hit us again.

Since obviously killing 3,000 people is absolutely nothing? And America hasn't been attacked again? The more appropriate comparison would be someone shooting you in the foot. The appropriate response to that is to shoot them back in the face. The inappropriate response would be to turn around and whistle pretending they are not there.

They blow up our tower, we go to war, we kill their leader. No other terrorist attacks, as you say there should have been. So where are you getting this assumption from?

that is exactly what we should've done. in fact, if we ignored the attack, I sure as heck guarantee you american troops wouldn't be in iraq "fighting terrorists" or in afghanistan forcing democracy upon the tribes there

Of course if we ignored them the consequences would be "They got ignored". The other consequences would be "Well, they ignored it when we blue up that tower, lets blow up a bigger tower!"

And wait a second, American interference in Iraq began far before 9/11. We where already there "forcing democracy" (Or appointing dictators if we feel like it.)They wouldn't be fighting terrorist, they would be doing....Whatever they where doing. You act like Afghanistan just one day decided "You know what I really hate? Tall towers. Lets go blow some up!". What really happened was they didn't like our policies so they blew them up. So we got pissed and retaliated.

we were just like the europeans in africa blindly bringing the light of "civilization" when they were just fine on their own.

Since all those modern things like medicine where just holding them back.

they had rescources there so we decided to justify invading it by telling ourselves it's for the good of democracy.

And what resources exactly are we gaining from this?

n my view, we were hungry for new rescources, and 9/11 happened almost conveniently to give us an excuse to go into the middle east for our own selfish gain.

Let me break it down for you again.

-We where already in the middle east. Just not as much as we are now.
-We are not gaining resources from this. If we are, could you please show me what exactly?

And more?

we've spent trillions of dollars funding these wars when our economy would be better if we used that money to pay off america's deficit.

So? Your simply saying that after we got shot in the foot, we should go sell our gun for money for whatever we want to spend it on then go back to whistling and twitling our thumbs.

the only thing we got out of these wars was the rest of the world hating us because of our intolerance and hunger for war, and we wouldn't have political nutjobs running around saying "muslim terrorists" for every little problem we have.

So why the **** would we go to war if you even admit we got nothing from it? 9/11 mad us angry, so we got rid of any threat there could have been. The logical thing to do. But according to you, we somehow got enough resources to out way the trillions of dollars spent.

secretly, we knew we were going into WWII before pearl harbor, but it gave us an excuse to speed up the plans.


let me put it to you like this, if some police officer's died, the public wouldn't care that happens all the time. if a single old man gets shot, then everybody freaks out and demands the head of the guy who did it.

I fail to see your point. Someone who knows the risks of the job involve getting shot at gets shot all the time, of course. Fire men die in fires more than ordinary people, but they are less mourned because they are not civilians. They are there fighting it, while civilians are just kind of doing there thing while they are harmed, make a bigger story, especially if it is someone shooting an already vulnerable target like an old man or child.

by your logic, we should spend trillions of dollars making the american infrastructure safe while spending another set of trillions funding the war.

You mean like we are doing right now?

I think we should deal with the problem that is more dangerous, than the one that is more dramatic. the ammount of casualties that come from terrorist attacks is a small leak compared to the huge crack in the dam that is caused by car accidents. in this case, we should spend more time repairing the large crack, then focus on the small leak because it isn't as serious.

They are generally accidents, unpreventable things, while a terrorist attack is something relatively easy to fix. From what I have heard, the majority of traffic accidents are human error. So what would you want to do? Somehow get that trillions of dollars into making everyone better drivers? Make better roads so when people crash they can see pretty roads? Fund private car dealers and makers so they can make their cars safer, which they are already doing with the magic of capitalism?

It would be more like you saying "Why are you so worried about this obscure branch of cancer when obesity kills X amount of people a year? Put the money that is currently going into that cancer and instead put it to prevent obesity!". The cancer doesn't kill as many people, but it is theoretically something that can be fought with some funding. Most cures for obesity require actual work on the part of the patient, making them change attitude towards life. So why not fight both as you can?
3,139 posts

This is a conspiracy, why should it be treated any differently than the others?

You even quoted what i said before you posted that.
Not to do with conspiracy.
But what methods exactly were took to prevent it, as the article i linked showed there was threats of this happening.
3,817 posts

You even quoted what i said before you posted that.
Not to do with conspiracy.
But what methods exactly were took to prevent it, as the article i linked showed there was threats of this happening.

Everything you have said so far. Its like saying "Im not racist, but...".
2,226 posts

I think they should have gone into more thorough investigation so there aren't people saying stuff like "...the government did it!"
The government may be terrible at making decisions as a whole and corrupt, but to deny what really happened is just an insult to the victims of that tragic day.

2,487 posts

I think everybody here agrees that 314d1 is the biggest troll here on AG.

he's just stating his opinion, even if he's taking everything we say out of context and using rhetoric to make us look bad.

So why the **** would we go to war if you even admit we got nothing from it? 9/11 mad us angry, so we got rid of any threat there could have been. The logical thing to do. But according to you, we somehow got enough resources to out way the trillions of dollars spent.

you took me out of context. the whole post was about how stupid it was to acknowledge them. I said we shouldn't have gone to war because we wasted so much trying to get oil in iraq, and the 1 trillion dollars worth of untapped minerals under afghanistan. we got nowhere with it, and because of that we are in a deeper financial hole than we were before. If we didn't go in the persuit of terrorists that I just said can be ignored. think back to when you were in school, didn't your parents always say ignore the bully and it would go away. they would also say that if you tried to fight him, he knew his insults worked and would do it even more. same basic principle. what you are saying is to blow everything out of proportion and attack. btw, they didn't shoot our foot, they poked us in the arm to see if we were awake.

From what I have heard, the majority of traffic accidents are human error. So what would you want to do? Somehow get that trillions of dollars into making everyone better drivers?

nooo...I used the roads as an example of one of the many things we should've focused on instead of hunting terrorists. in fact, we could've focused on rebuilding relations with every country in the world that hated us. they have terrorist problems too, but they ignore it. why is it that they can and we can't? it's simply because america loves war and (by the looks of history) will look for an excuse to go to war.
1,627 posts

didn't your parents always say ignore the bully and it would go away. they would also say that if you tried to fight him, he knew his insults worked and would do it even more. same basic principle

That is like comparing apples to oranges. A bully doesn't have the capability to kill thousands of people, and is doing it pretty much only for attention. Terrorists are pretty much radical religious people who will commit acts of terror regardless of the amount of attention as long as they believe that they are doing good, or some "free-lance" terrorists who are basically contract killers who are only doing it for money.
127 posts

whistling doesn't 'retend nothing happened'

If nothing happened you wouldn't be whistling in the first place... buhBUHBUH ok a bit random

I think a Anniversary for so much death is a little distasteful I think the English language should think up something else for death ..

Remember, revering, respecting, and even loving the dead on the day they died; should have it's own word.

An anniversary is a celebration by definition isn't it?

1,627 posts

An anniversary is a celebration by definition isn't it?

1. The date on which an event took place in a previous year.
2. The date on which a country or other institution was founded in a previous year.

That pretty much sums it up.
2,487 posts

That is like comparing apples to oranges. A bully doesn't have the capability to kill thousands of people, and is doing it pretty much only for attention. Terrorists are pretty much radical religious people who will commit acts of terror regardless of the amount of attention as long as they believe that they are doing good, or some "free-lance" terrorists who are basically contract killers who are only doing it for money.

that doesn't matter, the acts of terror they are commiting are tailor made to try and get the nation targeted to go into fear and either bow down, or go into a fit of rage like a fire-ant colony and start biting everything in range.

since we are debating this, it is obvious that it worked.

terrorists aren't always radically religious, or contract killers. sometimes, they truly are doing it for the publicity. in these cases, they leave a calling card near the sight where the act was commited, but never demands money or leaves a video saying "death to the infidels". they leave it because people will then start to fear them. granted, these people usually are documented with a confirmed mental disorder, but that's also beside the point.
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