As long as two wars are going on no they should not. until someone steps up and ends two wars that should not be going on the budget should stand. But the wars should be stopped now because its not worth it. The middle east isnt a threat anymore, Al-Queda is going through leaders like wildfire and we are also backing up North Africa revolts. So no to the budget cuts until the wars stop.
Currently the US spends the most on military development in the world. I think cutting back a few billion wouldn't hurt, considering that the military gets over 500 billion per year.
In a world that's getting more advanced by the day, that's almost like asking "Should we stop paying for our houses?" Sure the debt is destroying the country, but something like military is one of those things that a country like the U.S. should have, since we can't keep our noses in our own business.
in a way i agree with you turtelman1234 but if we want to advance the world than we should just stop war altogeter and spend all of our money from taxes once the u.s is out of debt and spend it all on science.
Turtelman i agree but a good military is **** if its used too much and in too many wars/interventions. Go back to the 40s. Hitler had the strongest army in the world with the best tech but he used them for total domination instead of one or two invasions of former german land. Look what happened. People got mad and wiped the german army out. Good weapons and manpower only go so far. A great unbeatable army is only built by wise decisions and good leadership
Well i didnt mean no army at all but we shouldnt assume because of the army size that we can handle multiple wars or supports at one time. Also America doesnt need to get involved in all of the worlds problems. Even if we can handle it. Thats NATOs and the UNs job. Of course extra reserves couldnt hurt
The rich are being taxed.. It's just they have the lawyers and the money to know how to use the loopholes to escape taxes. yaydada etc
If you look at history America didn't spend much money on military until the 2nd world war. It literally states that the U.S.A. turned around 50-60% of it's entire industry infrastructure and budget to war.
And if you think about it; U.S.A. hasn't given up that power and budget since then. I guess other industries just popped up afterward along side it.
The U.S. needs to slash military spending by HALF, TAX THE RICH, and then the economy will be fixed
What do you define as "RICH"?
Also, clearly you are a left leaning type (with the whole tax the rich rhetoric), when you slash military spending by half, how would you propose you fund the unemployment benefits for all those unemployed soldiers? You can't just tax the rich even more or they will simply pick up and leave America and take jobs with them. So more unemployed.
How does a huge wave of unemployment fix the economy?
I don't think the "Military Industrial Complex" will ever slow down at this point unfortunately
Especially when they are heavy financial contributors to republican party. The Dems won't cut the military because they don't want to cut government jobs and the republicans won't do it or they will lose funding from defence contractors.
It's a real catch 22. The military HAS to be cut to bring spending under control, but it CAN'T be cut without devastating effects to the economy from the resultant unemployment and reduced tax base.
when you slash military spending by half, how would you propose you fund the unemployment benefits for all those unemployed soldiers?
If we could stop giving the military money that goes nowhere it might help. We spent over 600 billion in 2009?(I think, it was recent anyways), while countries with more people in their militaries spent less than 1/5 of that. I think we can cut a lot somewhere.
You want to know what the real catch here is? I'm thinking that probably after WW2, the concept of Global war is dead. We had a pretty serious talk over it in Economy and I was persuaded pretty well that there is no way in hell we're ever going to do something stupid like invade China. The only risk left is radicals, and the majority of them seem to come from places that aren't part of the Globe's inter-dependent lifestyle. I think if those places just educated+industrialized, then the entire notion of needing a military the size of ours [We still need one..] would disappear.