Calvin and Hobbes rock! anyone else agree with me?
Too true. Ive read everyone ever published. Yay for the Calvin and Hobbes Complete Collection!
I know that collection rocks. My fave book i think might be "homicidal pyscho jungle cat" but i love em all so its hrd to say
My all time favorite comic, without a close second. It's a shame he doesn't do anymore- I've read just about all his stuff 3x over.
me too i read the first 5-7 books over 10 times. Those comics hardly ever get boring!
... I miss Calvin and Hobbes, I haven't read them in awhile and look closely in the Sunday comics and occasionally you'll see a Calvin look-a-like
yea...the best comic that I continously read that I liked
The BEST comic EVER!!!! I read them all the time!
They were a great comic series.I own one or two of thier books.
Let's give a big round of applause to Bill Waterson for making the greatest comic ever! YAY YAY YAY YAYShouldn't this be in popular media though?
It should but was thier a pop media back in 08?I guess its good I brought it back.
Calvin and Hobbes taught me some new words :3I wish Bill Watterson hadn't ended it.Google, necro = bad.
I know, its just better stuffwas in the tavern back then.
Why is necro badCalvin and Hobbes is great...!
Yes it is. i have a good many of the books. it is probably my second favorite comic, behind the far side. But still great comic. "I can't tell my gum from my silly putty" -Calvin
Wow I was reading it when I saw this lolHobbes - so you carry the four, and what times eight equals three? The answer, of course, is six
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