room 1: jump up to the beam of light in the left hand corner by using the platforms room 2: jump underneath the block right next to the beam of light you came out of then jump underneath the long walkway so you don't get impaled by spikes room 3:since the beam of light is too high to get to you have to use the gun in that level to keep shooting the light-grey tower until it breaks room 4:there's an invisible passage underneath the light-grey tower so just keep walking room 5: each time you jump the grey wall will go down. eventually it will go down far enough so that you can jump into the next room room 6: go back to room five. there's a key room 7: go over as far as you can and then press the down key. keep doing this to dig under the grey wall room 8: hide in the bunkers provided in that level and wait for the spikes to pass then head to the next one room 9: the floor is lava soo don't touch it . use the platforms to jump your way to victory (the game's not over yet) room 10:there are 2 sets of invisible spikes one is close to the grey tower you start on (don't jump off of the grey tower) and the other one starts right below the second torch in the level but is just long enough so that you have to time the jump almost perfectly room 11: jump through the top of the level room 12:click and drag the blocks so that you can jump to the next room room 13:it is impossible to make it to the end of this room by just running. get to the first part of the maze and then jump so that you're out of the way of the spikes. let them pass and then it's safe to walk through room 14: you cannot see yourself. just remember you're always in the middle of the screen. once you jump next to the second window you can see yourself again. room 15nce you reach the first wall jump up and to the left. then jump up and to the right do that once more and you have gotten over the maze room 16: hit the third bock w/ your head, then the first then the fourth then the second then the fifth. room 17:just keep the hitting the control (ctrl) key room 18: stop moving for about ten seconds room 19:do what the letters say (jump on them) room 20: press the light mouse button and you'll see a menu pop up. click "secret button" and walk to the next room. room 21:STAY IN THE BEAM OF LIGHT AT ALL TIMES. once it stops moving jump onto the platforms above and stay by the window once it starts moving again move with it. room 22: run from one side of the room to the other side of the room and back. room 23: jump on the boss's head. do not touch the spikes or him when he's charging, eventually he will stop room 24: touch the chest and win the game