i am starting a games called sandbox game... tis will take a while but i thought "why not?" so im starting with what i hope the game to look like
Should i make a new Dev log?
the pic looks like it was made with paint.... might wanna step up your graphics a bit there bud.
ya i know but thats not the game any more... read the top of pg 2... i got a new idea..
So you are completly scrapping your idea except for the caveman? You know you have to make up a combat system right?
yes... its just shoooting or hitting.. thats it i a side shootr with amoving back round... like Mario...
All right guys i need a name for this game and i am in...
The Journey of Life?The Long Road?Just the first 2 that came to my head
Okay... ive got the new game ideas Devlopment log... its called Time Fight
time fighthow about time killer that way its got a little bit of a put too
Temporal Dissonance? (Time conflict) but I just worded it in more academic sense.Anywho, how are you going to pull off the code? Looks like you will need some dynamic isometric tile based system.
Ops failed to notice that the thread moved here, http://armorgames.com/community/thread/8407590/time-fight-name-still-devloping-along-with-the-game/page/5
looks nice, but what do u do in it? o_O
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