If you haven't noticed already, several games here on Armor Games have the scroll-wheel as one of the controls. An example is the game Echoes - Operation Straglehold, where the scroll-wheel
The problem: when you use the scroll-wheel in-game, it also affects the page outside of the game, causing it to scroll up or down. This, obviously, is quite annoying.
The solution: rather simple, update it so that when you click the game-box-thingy, the scroll-wheel only affects the game.
Post "support" if you support the idea. Discuss. Kthxbye.
I don't understand why. Are you saying that it's their fault for putting the scroll-wheel as a control?
Yes. It's either the game developers fault, the browsers fault for embedding flash badly, or flash it's self fault, in which case it's up to Adobe to fix.
If you're talking about the "No spamming." rule, then you're wrong. I think.
It's still below 7 words and doesn't contribute any sort of intelligent reasoning.
If you got issues with a game, it is often easier to complain to the people that made the game than to the people hosting it. You don't go complain to the cinema because you though the protagonist in the movie you were watching should have been wearing more green, no?
Or flash for that matter. Generally, there seems to be a ton of issues with the browsers and flash at the moment.
To stop the spam-argument: If you cannot express your opinion in more than 7 words and thus with a proper reasoning behind your opinion, you ought to keep shut. Or more basically: if you have nothing new to say, don't say a thing. A mod will delete a response going "I agree"/"Support" and any other short comment because it does not contribute to the discussion.
This, obviously, is not under our control. As Cenere said, contact the individual game developers and let them know which OS/Browser you're using, and that the scroll wheel doesn't behave as they expect it will. They can submit a new copy of the game to AG to fix it.