ForumsGame WalkthroughsCoD Zombies; Space Race wlkthrw

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Okay, for those of you that don't know, the 'Space Race' is an achievement you get by Pack a Punching a weapon by round 8 on Ascension. I recently got the achievement, and I thought I'd write up a short little walkthrough of how to obtain it.

First and foremost, you CAN'T PaP a weapon on round 8. It has to be before round 8. I've made this mistake many times.

Go onto Solo and select Ascenion. Solo is easier because if you do it on multiplayer, you will most likely be paired up with uncooperative teammates. And also, you get a lot more points on Solo.

For the first round, only knife the zombies. Don't use any bullets. Each knife kill is 130 points.

On round two, shoot four shots into the zombies and then knife them. This allows you to get 170 points per kill.
At the end of round 2, open the top door. I like to open the top door as soon as possible, because it gives the opportunity to buy doors, and the starting room is pretty small.
If you have points left over from buying the first door, by the M14, and buy a door if you can. I advise opening the junkyard door.

On round three, go on top of the main lander site (by PhD Flopper) and kill the zombies with the pistol and knife strategy. You can put as much bullets as you want into them this time, since running out of ammo on your pistol isn't a problem now that you bought the M14.
As you can see, we haven't bought quick revive yet. Try to conserve points as much as possible. Don't buy perks/guns unless necessary. If you feel like you are going to die, though. Buy quick revive. Although, if you buy it twice, the whole strategy is blown.

At the end of Round Three, buy as much doors as you can. And sync the land on the main lander site if possible.

On round four, try to get headshots for every Zombie by using your M14. Each headshot is 110 points.
At the end of the round, buy as much doors as possible. And sync as many landers as you can.

Same thing for Round Five. Get headshots and open as many doors as possible, also sync as many landers as you can. You can get quick revive on this round if you need to. But it's not ideal.

By round six, you should have all of the doors and landers synced. If you don't, it's no big deal, simply open the doors you haven't opened yet. Don't forget to get headshots.

By round seven, if you don't have all the landers synced, try to do as best you can to get points.
If you do, however, have all the landers synced, get as much points as possible in order to Pack a Punch. For those of you who don't know, you need 5,000 points to PaP.

If you follow this strategy, you should be able to get the achievement. It does require some skill, but if you keep at it, I promis the you will obtain the achievement.

A few quick tips, if you get a Kaboom or a Death Machine, DO NOT get it! Death Machine is good for higher rounds, but for lower rounds, it doesn't get you any points at all.
Also, if you get an Insta Kill, KNIFE DON'T SHOOT!

I hope this helped. Good luck!

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