ForumsSupport ForumProfile info storage limit

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SoymasterYos says:
Posted at 2:43pm on 9/15/2011
I have a problem. Cormyn told me the max. amount of data on a profile is like 64KB. I am the current owner of the account ColonyIndex, which sole purpose is to list all the Colony threads on Armor Games. When recently taking over the account, I had issue with none of the data being shown. It seems like the profile max. keeps getting switched between 32KB and 64KB because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. You are probably thinking "Why is this a problem?" Well, the links+BBCode are a total of 32.2KB, so you see where my problem lies. I want to know if there is a way to raise the max data limit on profiles.


theschles (admin) says:
Posted at 4:19pm on 9/15/2011
Hi SoymasterYos,
I checked with Larry and the limit is 64K


SoymasterYos says:
Posted at 5:56pm on 9/15/2011
What else could be causing the problem? Too many links? It only has 32.2 KB.


theschles (admin) says:
Posted at 7:55pm on 9/15/2011
Per Larry: &quotrobably just not measuring something correctly. It would be 64K including the BBcode and other markup. On output stuff gets translated so its not the exact same content thats in the DB"


ColonyIndex says:
Posted at 11:28pm on 9/16/2011
Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? It took me a week over the summer to compile all the links and sort them.
  • 3 Replies
20 posts

Hi Soymaster/Colony,

I'm afraid we cannot help you any further on this issue at this time. We are working hard to get AG3 out of beta; after that, we might be able to help you out. (no promises, though)

20 posts

One other suggestion from Larry: "try hosting your list somewhere else and link to it for the time being⦠like a google doc or something"

66 posts

Heey i agree whit the idea of larry you could make a google doc or a website you can just copy and paste it there thats like done in a few seconds its easy

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