ForumsThe Tavern[necro] Failure

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619 posts

A simple game in which one person tries to out-do another in how they fail, like telling a story on a blonde moment, stupid idea, funny reaction, or anything else. Pictures are also acceptable, as are videos, if you can get the link up. If you want, it can be on someone else you know!

Have fun with it, though. If all goes well, someone might fail more than you.

Here's one of mine: My dad was coming home once, and me and my two cousins were outside. This was probably 5 years ago. So my cousin decided to run alongside his van as he pulled in. For some reason, he was yelling at her to look out. So she keeps running, and turns her head foward. That EXACT instant, she runs straight into a pine tree. And this was one of those pines with rough bark native here on Cape Cod. AND, she was about to say hi to him, so when she opened her mouth, she had bark stuck in her gums. It took 14 stiches to stop the bleeding. I laughed the whole time.

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133 posts

Mine: I was playing hide in seek (when I was like 10) and decided to hide in a hole and cover myself with leaves. When my friend came by I sneezed (allergic to pollen.) He heard me but thought that I was hiding behind some bushes a couple feet back. He starts walking towards the bushes and steps right on my face. I had to blow my nose 67 times to get all the dirt from his shoes out.

619 posts

great one. Can anyone else out there top that?




13 posts

i was playing hide and seek when i was like 8 and i though getting in the ceiling wud be a awesome idea boy was i wrong....... 5 secs letter guess whos fallin through the ceiling lol

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