Here is the question, How Would the World Be Affected if Birds Were Extinct? One way I could think of is I would no longer be looking at the ground for bird droppings to know where to walk.
My apologies. I was watching tv and not really thinking things out when I wrote that. I don't know of any animals that eat birds and birds only... there might be types of louse that only eat birds... or certain parasites that are species specific tho. I was going more for the fact that the presence or lack thereof of a species can cause certain other organisms that have evolved symbiotically with other organisms to also go extinct (IFF we don't intervene in some unnatural way.) For an extinction of a species to be caused by the extinction of another species doesn't mean that it had to only eat the species that originally went doesn't even have to be food related. I may have misunderstood the arguments on the first page. It looked as if the main message was that an animal who only consumes birds(or the animal that is hypothetically no more) would be the only one that was at risk of extinction.
Some birds hide/plant seeds like how squirrels do... or through their doo doo. Fewer seeds planted means fewer new sprouts. Fewer new sprouts eventually equals to fewer plants altogether. Less foliage means less sanctuary and food for other animals.
Do we see that animals and other organisms sometimes have to accommodate (if they can) for more than the change in their diet when something else dies off?
i proved that the story is not 100% fictional. but that the reason they give. (and the only reason they always give (god did it)) is wrong. it could happen whitout the use of god aswell. (and i used this scientific proof as a example for what can happen whit nature when the balance is changed.
proving something could happen in a way does not disprove the fact it happened in a nother way. and even if there isnt (im sure there is) an animal that only feeds on birds it will still affect them. those animals will move to a different source and that sources population will decrease and that will affect things too.
It would be likely that we eat more meat from other animals like cows instead of chicken. This would increase consumption of water and also plants needed for those animals. It would also have an infcluence on the production of greenhouse gases (mainly methan). But I'm not sure if it would matter that much.
There is no doubt that the environment would end up compensating in one way or another. However, who knows what the end outcome would be after its done reaching equilibrium? Even though certain species will find other food supplies, not all of them are equipped to do so. Some other species would undoubtedly go extinct, while others would greatly decrease in population due to food shortage. Even this change in numbers would effect all species dependent on those species that are directly effected, and so on. On the other side of the equation, certain populations would no longer be kept in check by the birds, and would explode, which would probably cause its own problems. I think the way an extinction would most likely affect us is through our crops. Birds have an affect on the bug population, which would most likely translate to crop infestation. However, I have no doubt that effects would be widespread throughout the planet and quite devastating, in ways the likes of us can not anticipate.
Beyond all that, I'd be very sad. I love birds. They're ****ed adorable and I want like 3 parrots and a chicken.