Yep I said it Indie is a great type of music. Indie music isn't really like you might think it is. I used to the Indie would be a weird style of music due to the name but it is awesome. Ever heard of Meg & Dia probably not one of them was on the voice. Anyway their songs are considered to be Indie. Indie is a great style of music so I would recommend that you listen to it a good song to listen to would be Monster by: Meg & Dia. I was wondering if anybody listened to Indie or what people thought about it.
oh god alt will be here shortly to post 5000 indy bands XD
i love indy music. and really there is no other way to describe the genres sound, indy music is simply bands who produce their own music indipendently, thus why its called indy. some of my favorite bands who have produced indipendently are, modest mouse, pavement, yo la tengo, neutral milk hotel, arcade fire, and LCD soundsystem
oh god alt will be here shortly to post 5000 indy bands XD
You're the cat who always has prophetic opinions but can't remember where his drink is! >_>
Anyway, I don't want to post a list, because that would suck a** and take too long, so I'll just list some of my absolute/more recent favorites . . . .
Modest Mouse (especially the first three albums of theirs), Pavement, Arcade Fire, LCD Soundsystem, Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control, of Montreal, Circulatory System, tune-yards, Nujabes (I guess he counts . . . ?), Tallest Man on Earth, Fleet Foxes, Beach House, Bon Iver, Blond Redhead, Bjork, Black Keys, Emilie Simon, Deerhunter, Deerhoof, aaaand Evelyn Evelyn.
As suggested by Delos' post, there're a lot more I love/listen to, but those up thar are my most recent/absolute favorites. As you cou;d prolly tell, I have a pretty lenient definition of what indie is.
I like some indie music and I like some indie movies. Some are trash and some are great. There are WAY too many people out there who are just Top 40's people. I really wish they would open their minds for a minute and listen to some other types of music.
sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Little do they know a lot of great musicians start out indie...but don't tell them that! :P