The shortness can be attributed to the anime being based off of a webcomic (later adapted into a manga). The Chibitalia sections are quite love them or hate them so I can understand where you're coming from with that.
I liked that part too - I've watched Hetalia through about 3 times now and I laugh every time at that.
I started watching/reading a while back, but kinda fell out of it after a lack of updates on the translated strips. Generally, I am just amused at how the countries' spirits are shown, more so when a few more of the Nordics were introduced. Oh, and how the fandom acts. While it is generally amusing, APH has a small, very fierce and very odd part of their fandom that is just beyond anything I have seen.
It is appealing, at least, and amusing. The art style is not quite my thing, but considering it started as a websomic, it is probably easily forgiven.
I'll admit that the Hetalia fandom is somewhat... eccentric in parts. The art style has gotten better and evolved over the years, some strips got redrawn for the Volume 3 release and you can really see the differences in characters.
Good news on the dubbing front - the Hetalia movie has been dubbed and will be released in November and I think World Series might be next.
Chibitalia is just a younger Italy and Italy is a guy. Although most people believed little Italy was a girl because of his voice and choice of clothing.
Chibitalia is just a younger Italy and Italy is a guy. Although most people believed little Italy was a girl because of his voice and choice of clothing.
then it was really awkward with the whole situation of italy and Holy Rome, but i thought it was funny when they mentioned all the countries christmas's and they called america's "Fat christmas" and Frances's "Gay christmas"