ForumsWEPRChristian Testimonies

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341 posts

Ok so I just wanted to make this topic to see if anyone else on AG has had a testimony that got them saved or saved another person. I personnally was the reason for my whole family to become Christian and heres my testimony, so enjoy

Well first my grandmal (whom I call Gran) was abused as a child. She had 6 siblings and she was the youngest, and she and her sisters were forced to do all the chores, but she was the one that had to do the most. Her parents beat her and she was scared of them to the point to when she was 5 she hid knives under the blankets so her mom couldn't get them. So when she was 16 she got married to leave the house and she married this guy who was a jerk and with him she had my uncle (my moms brother) She was a drunk from then after.

My grandpa (who I call papa, don't make fun of me for that, thats what I have always called him and I'm not gonna stop cause you think its babyish) anyway my papa's mother had married this bad guy (I don't know about his real father) but his stepfather use to beat him constantly, to the point where he almost died several times. So when he was young he became a druggy and he tried to kill himself. At one point he took 41 "uppers" and 52 "downers" at one point to kill himself, but by the grace of God he didn't die but he was unconcious for a week. So he also became a drunk and he met my gran in the bar. After six months they got married and my papa adopted my uncle and they had my mom.

They were pretty poor, and plus the fact that they were drunks didn't help. They made my uncle and my mom do all the work in the house and my Gran was always drinking and my papa was always working. So my mom started smoking and getting a little into drugs, when she met this guy when she was 15. When my grandparents were out of town they did something they shouldn't have and pop there I was.

My Gran was furious and my Papa didn't talk to my mom for 3 weeks. My Gran started getting into the word and she began to pray. God told her that she could either take me as a blessing or a curse and she told him that she would take me as a blessing. She got my Papa in the word and they both were saved and they stopped drinking. Which got my mom and my uncle saved and they also stopped doing drugs.

Well I came along and when I was 2 my biological "sperm-doner" left me and my mom to go marry this very evil women (and hes in jail now for drug abuse and for beating his wife) and my gran started feeling sick one day. Her breast started hurting and she thought she had breast cancer because it ran in her family. But she started feeling the precence of the lord in the room and I came in, and the pain vanished. After that many pastors said to my parents that I would do great things when I'm older(hoping thats true ) so my Gran also started praying for a man to come into my mom and my life that could be a blessing and actually love my mom.

My dad's dad died when he was 16 and him and his mom and his 4 sisters moved alot. He became depressed and his mom is really supersticious weird (shes also catholic and he was too) and she brought him to a hypnotist to brainwash him into not being sad, but it let the enemy in and he started rebeling and he became a drunk and got into trouble with the law. After he finished college he and one of his best friends started a ciggarette store which is where my mom met him.

When they started going out, my gran started talking with him and showing him the word and he got saved for real and he converted to christianity and he stopped drinking. Since we were poor at the time we lived with my grandparents and they were putting me through private school which is really expensive and he paid for my shcooling when we couldn't. He eventually married my mom and adopted me. And we've been doing pretty good after that.

Theres alot more that happened but its too long to go into alot of detail and some of it is personal.

Anyway post some of your testimonies on here if you have any. And if you don't like christianity, please don't post some malicious retort because I don't think anyone really cares that you took time to be a jerk.

  • 39 Replies
291 posts

I love to debate with Christians as long as they can bring me valid points, reliable sources, and leave all the judgmental BS at the door.

Well, the Christians you're talking about are extremely rare, and they get bashed by people like redbedhead for actually trying to use logic to prove their point.

The Bible is judgemental BS. The only source Christians have is the Bible. Valid points? Ha! As in 'God made us, I win debate kthxbye?'

Thelistman is probably the only person who posted on this topic who is one of those extremely rare people (I think, don't know him much.) He seems like the kind of person I'd like to debate.

That post was simply made to waste people's time. I don't want to listen to you talking about your family history, and how they were all drunkards with miserable lives. Fine, they've had a hard life, don't go around telling people on the internet.

we dant kair.

-Skyla <3
341 posts

See Skyla you and many of the other atheist prove how judgemental YOU are. You guys call me judgemental but your WAY more judgemental than I am. I don't think anybody really cared about your post and you just posted it to waste people's time.

2,662 posts

U have to be patient wiv these religious types Skyla. Lotsa stuff takes a while to get into their thick skulls

752 posts

This topics are getting religincist

291 posts


Okay, I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood when I wrote that. Pardon me.

I just want to tell you something, please don't be offended by this and go ahead cursing me. I respect your beliefs, I understand you strongly believe in the existance of God, I have no problem with that. I was only annoyed by the way you do not respect us... at all. Even if an atheist hasn't done anything to you, you curse them out. If there was any chance of that atheist converting to Christianity - you killed that. A lot of things that the Bible teaches are great, it teaches its followers to respect nature, and everyone around them. It's just that some followers are extremists that give Christianity a bad name.

Jesus was a great man. He was a moral teacher that has made his followers love each other, I admire him for that. I believe that many of the founders of religions don't want their religion to become what it has now become. Jesus doesn't want his followers to hate everyone who is not Christian. Buddha didn't want his followers to worship him, but they did. Mohammed loved everyone - even individuals which belonged to a religion which he was fighting at the time. For example, his neighbor was Jewish, and he treated him as nicely as he treated his best friend - Abu Baker.

They all watched their religions go wrong in some way or another.

You need to understand that in order to convert someone, you need to treat them like your family members, and if they are not interested, let them be - you tried.

I'm sure you didn't go around cussing your Grandmother and Grandfather because they were not Christians, you were nice to them. In the same way, if you are interested in converting others, you should treat them the way you treated your family members when you converted them.

-Skyla <3

737 posts

wow! i certainly wish many of my fellow christian forum "debators" would take that to heart. I run into a lot of people without any love at all, when love&relationships are the way to impact someone. Well said, maybe he'll listen...

341 posts

@skyla I don't respect athiest because they give me nothing for them to be respected. And about grandparents, yes I showed them the errors of their ways like I do to the athiest of AG, but they (woody) are too thick headed to see the errors of their ways.

637 posts

I'm sure everybody's noticed this religious/anti-religious war emerging on the forums. My question is whether this is actually escalating as far as the forums go? I believe that it could be something of concern, especially for the social wellbeing of this community as a whole.

This is so true. When I first posted, it was small. Now virtually every subject contains religeous (Atheism being a religeon) verbal warfare.

I finally understand why redbedhead is so strict to fundamentalism. The bible pulled his family together. I liked his story. However, he should not take the bible as literally and it would be more powerful to him and also may win him some debates. He should be a little open-minded, but the last paragraph of his first post was just to stop people form saying stuff like I was saved by the faries.
154 posts

hey your topic is too long i cant read it...Ooo i am going to faint!!

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