Ive been dabbling in flash code and think I might try to take it on and I love the pixel feel for a game. can you use pixel sprties in a flash game?
Yes you can!Just make your pixel sprites in some different program and import them into Flash (File --> Import --> Import To Library).Then convert your images into symbols and you're done!
ya.... thats what im doing... you just make a bitmap( or a jpeg im not sure, i have a file converter addon with my compiler)then upload it with your current set of code... then use the filename in context with the coding lsnguage...
butit all depends on the compiler you are using...
You should check out Flixel. I've played with it a bit and I've found it to be really cool. Here's a few tutorials on it:http://www.creativeapplications.net/flash/flixel-2-tutorial-flash-tutorials-games/http://www.brighthub.com/hubfolio/matthew-casperson/blog/archive/2009/12/02/creating-a-flash-platform-game-with-flixel-and-flex.aspx
I suggest Flashpunk (http://flashpunk.net/)Imho it's even better than Flixel!
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