[b] well 1st thing- why are u leaving ur games downloadable and open? i can see there is a hacked copy of each game in armorgames.... its not fun at all having hacked games.. all of the people just drop the game here and go to hacked games. which make the multiplayer worse
Everything is downloadable on the internet, it is just a matter of knowing what to do or having the right tools. It's not particularly hard to save a flash to your computer. I don't think there is any flash out there that can't be downloaded, really. The only way it can be prevented is by not uploading it in the first place, which defeats the point of having a flash gaming site.
It is impossible for AG to protect against people using decompilers to download the game in it's code form. I think developers may have the option to encrypt their files so that people can't read them, but that's not up to AG.
Unless a game is sitelocked to AG, most games on the site will be 'hacked'. I don't see it ruining anything though. It provides players some fun with the game, that the original didn't quite offer.
I'm assuming jr06 is trolling the heck out of all of us, because it's a tad bit impossible to have no hacked games. Besides, even if you aren't trolling jr06, you don't speak for the flash game owners - in other words, pipe down.