ForumsThe TavernGirl problems...

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not just girlfriens problems... but girl problems in general...

it has come to me that the geeral population on ag are from 13 to 18 years of age, and im not the only one with girl problems... im getting mixed signals,and im being turned to for emotinal help... ( does that make me gay in there eyes?) its just wierd cause the look towards me, that want to " cuddle and what not but when the we share a moment i have this well "chicken"( i cant use the real worrk) blocker in my face and then the girls just move on to other guys.... im about to explode give me hints... tipsor even share your problems and let other people try to solve them...

  • 1 Reply
13,657 posts

I think I will just refer you to the relationship sticky, and lock this as a duplicate.

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