I agree that there may be a World War III. I also believe in will not be a normal war. I expect lots of nuclear explosions, poisoining, chemical and fire uses, etc.
Nuclear bombs will be shot out of the sky and cause less damage so after all the nuclear bombs are wasted the WWIII will be using more dangerous weapons.
No nuclears will lunch.Not even a sigle bullet will used.But a more hiden plan their goal is to make us think that it will be no more WAR.To make us to cant see the truth. This wiil succesfully accieved by an big strike in economy of the states.After lots of civil wars and they i'll came to us and say << We can help you to get out of the void>> . then huge companies of food, TV and everythink that you can possibly imagine,will do a huge propaganda to make those mens looks like heroes and we'll live into a unreal paradise. See the truth people of Earth,it's our lifes, our homes, our countries, our Consciousness that their attacking us dont let them to take your minds away.
How do you have war with no fighting? Or do you suspect lasers will be in use by then?
After lots of civil wars
Civil war /= World War.
then huge companies of food, TV and everythink that you can possibly imagine,will do a huge propaganda to make those mens looks like heroes and we'll live into a unreal paradise.
I doubt that food chains and retailers would get involved in a civil war other than charity things to make themselves look better.
I think the only dangerous countries that might start ww3 in future are North Korea and China.
China's too smart to mess around with wars. They're busy trying to be the best economic power in the world. They'll only fight if they're attacked. NK might start something tho.