I love the new site. Great job. But... where is the comment system? If the question is already answered, will we have any new rules? Any new regulations or voting systems? If I have a suggestion... You can vote comments up or down. Like youtube. 3 Thumbs down, the comment is collapsed (But still openable) 5 Thumbs down, the comment is deleted. I would like this system due to the HUGE amount of unconstructive, inane, and relatively useless comments.
First i'd like to say, they already have their comment and reputation system worked out. Second, using your logic, someone can get 1000 thumbs ups, but then 5 trolls come and rate it down, and the beauty of a comment is deleted.
The suggestion is great but should we allow the users to decide what comment gets deleted? if someone refreshes their page and keeps downing the comment it will get deleted. Unless there is a way to ensure that once you like/dislike a comment you can never do it again.
That's not usually how 'likes' and 'dislikes' work... Usually they are cookies or data, so if you can't keep disliking a comment after disliking the first time, you can't refresh it to get rid of that problem. So yeah, there is sort of a way to ensure that you can't like or dislike a comment more than once.
But wouldn't you just be able to clear your cookies and then keep disliking the comment?
well this was already sugested and talked about, it *will* be but in and will afect REP, also there was an idea for that made it so your votes effect things by you REP amount you had so Mr. trollzy would effect you little, and may over ideas i think AG has this idea covered in user feedback of ideas it just needs to be made...