I just started off a new game and beat it within a half an hour so, you might wanna know this. First you save up around 1000-2000 for a "good sword" and if possible a better sheild. Then you do about 10 battles like that and try to gat better, new armour and weapons. (Note:You will have quite a bit of money at this point and hircuts do noting for your stats so don't waste your money) Once you get enough money and the "Gladiator's ultimate sword" Now you CAN get the "Ultimate sword" first if the "Gladiators ultimate" As long as you don't get the "Bonesnapper" Once you get the "Gladiator's ultimate awrd" You're basicaly set from ther and can get whatever armour you desire. Happy gaming!
Well Ive played for a while now, and ive got the gladiators ultimate sword, golden armor thingies, mighty black boot thingies and a tower sheild, but I still can't get past level 28
Heh, I just bought the best axe (bonesnapper), because pretty much everything has the same attack time when you're spamming jump hits. Gives you the most damage