ForumsNews and FeedbackBeing a long time member

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47 posts

I was wondering if by chance some one could award ap points for being a member for awhile. I mean like a good 30 points every year. I would like that because I have been a member for about 3 years and I am still stuck as a serf. I mean I played a lot of games its just I haven't realy been sending a lot of messages cause I found it frustrating that I only got two points. I mean after all this is a gaming sight right?

  • 8 Replies
68 posts

I started playing this week and I'm the same rank as you. Just rate all the games you play.

16,287 posts

or, just don't care about AP and enjoy the site.

3,766 posts

I mean after all this is a gaming sight right?

It is a gaming site. Like strangeperson said you should rate the games you play. Also comment on what you liked about the game or didn't like. This will make the game designers know what you liked about the game and what you didn't like.
3,517 posts

The reputation points will be based on rank and how much AP you have. Generally, if you're a long time member, you get more AP based on activity. So all's you can do is blame it on yourself for not being active enough in the forums or in the comments.

12,319 posts

The reputation points will be based on rank and how much AP you have.

Wrong. However, there should be a legacy achievement based on final AG2 rank. Achievements will not award reputation in AG3.
16 posts

I don't really mind the fact that I don't have a whole lot of points. I've been a member for a decent amount of time at least, nothing to special, but I think the long member idea is nice. I mean, kinda an idea to keep em coming back.

958 posts

I like the idea of long members. I've been a member for 3-4 years, and always active. But acmed does have a point, if you want AP you should rate and comment games, post on the forums, and other stuff. But I believe that you shouldn't care about points, just how active you are (Unless you want to have a cool armatar :P)

311 posts

Well, patrick and acmed are right/wrong,
AP *will* be a "game play" system, meaning getting high scores, achevemnets,ect. Will give you "AP" which will be renamed "legacy points", Rep (reputation pionts) will be gotten from being good on the forums and possably from geting "likes" or "votes" or stuff of that sort, so Rep will be more forum based and Ap or "legacy points" will be for game play and such. Though I am not sher how exactly the rank system will work with this "legacy points" *will* be like AP in that it will rank you up, also some have talked about a Rep rank,
Though I believe when the "rep revelution" came out some talked about geting rep for being a long time member or having a lot of points and such, though I think it has gone to achevments that you will get, whether or not it will be legacy ot rep I don't know.

We must remember that NON of this is set in stone, and also I have found more fun in this year+ that I have been around that it is the experance here at AG than the Ap/rep/legacy and what not! Posting regularly and geting to even name two beta releases (club and mace) which I would not have been able to have done if I was a spaming AP mad man! Geting to be friendly with mods and admins like frank (freakinstien) and cormyn and talking with them, even the little stuff about life and such is fun! It is much better thatn spamming to get points that never do any thing but be a number on a website and be disliked because of it! I mean why would you want to be disliked and a Ap hog? What does that give you? An ego? For get my ego who needs and ego! That is just something to hide behind because you have no real life! I want to have friends! A qoute to end my rage (I should shut up...) "a man can rate him self my how others rate them selfs my him!" Though I think this saying was its problems it is fitting!

Sorry for my rambalings.... thank for reading if you did XD lol.

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