Hi I just worked 1 month and 3 weeks to develop my first master creation, its botsi, a game about a robot that need to be tested to know his true potencial.
I think so, yes. I enjoyed it, and I'm an Armor Games user, so I'm sure there will be many others who will enjoy it as well.
Great! I will try submit it to armor games, but I need time (maybe a whole day) to create my own loader, remove the mochiads service (becuase armor games dont accept mochiads) and add the armor games start animation to my game
So: Today- Planning the stuff. Tommorrow- Do the stuff. Sunday- Try to submit the final product on armor games.
Thanks for the comments, now I have the courage to try submit my game on armor games
Whoops, maybe submit Botsi will take more days, I just check the submit form and I see that I need screenshots and feature images, and maybe make the loader will take more time because i wanna do it presentable and original.
1.It's a Platformer 2.You need to be patient at some points and at some points fast! 3.Awesome Music and Good Graphics
I have a bit suggestions before Posting on Armor Games the Real Deal..
3 Modes.. Story Mode:
Story mode would well...Actually have a story Now it is good already...But the story should be somewhat..Corrupt.. Lets say you were a Robot made for destruction...Or You were created to be tested so that you can save the world or something.. Also you could do: You are the Botsi that awoken from a Slumber.. You find yourself In a Pile a debris(Possibly Some Look changes ) You then see the world got mad and bla bla... All in all...That's was the beggining..Lvls are the same and Etc.
Easy Mode:
Easy Mode would be..The Botsi right now... Infinite Lives,Not so hard Lvls and Other easy stuff.. Also the would be a Limit...Maybe 30 Places? Now the goal is...Clear all the 30 Levels and get the lowest time.. But of course...No Tutorial..That would go in Story Mode..
Hard Mode:
Same as easy Mode but with some changes.. There are 20 Levels..But they are harder then On Easy Mode... But there is a drawback.. Botsi only has...Maybe 10-15 Lives... Now unlike Easy mode...The Goal is to get the Lowest Amount of time..And have as Much Lives as you can..
Also...To make It a bit more challenging... I don't know if you could do this but... Can you try to make the Levels Diffrent? Like randomly each time you play? Buuuut.. If you do the Modes And Random Level thingy..Do the random thing only on easy and Hard mode
All in all...Great Games Hope you create more Awesome Games
Razerules, your idea is just fantasic! But, they are a lot of chages from the original botsi so I think that is better implement your ideas in a "Reloaded" version. Right now im working learning C# and I will take a long time to learn new programming stuff, so I think is a better idea wait until my programming abilities reach higher levels to make a more cool Botsi.
i thought it was really fun and it was a really good first try but it was weird i thought thew last the level was the hardest and 2 from the last was super hard that one should have been last
I figured that I should go ahead and play the game. I didn't want to watch the advertisement first time around, but I figured what the hey, I really hope this game isn't crap.
I played through a couple levels and think it is very good. If this is your engine and you wrote the code yourself, I think your off to a great start.
The other level graphics are mine, and the botsi image in the title screen was made by my brother friend, go here if you want to see his work: http://gerky-art.deviantart.com/