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What do YOU think about rascism, black people,and rascists?
I think that the world is too stupid to say that everyones a little rascist.
I guess this is a new topic on this section and i have seen no rascism topics...
About black people ...well...i feel a bit sorry for them , having problems because of being brown-skined? What the hell?
What i think about rascists? They are just (many times) white people who hate color black? Thats an option...ò.ó
I think rascsism is just hating black people. Simple. Its way too stupid too.

PS:No offenses...

  • 84 Replies
1,416 posts

Yeah, the earliest known record of slavery are from Mesopotamia (where present day Iran, Iraq, and Syria are). Like eyetwitch said above, early slavery was not a racial system. Those who were conquered in battle, and those who surrendered were made into slaves.

610 posts

Racism, by its simplest definition, is discrimination based on race. One with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their race (i.e., bigotry), or in the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits. Racism typically starts with, though is rarely confined to the assumption that there are taxonomic differences between different groups of people. Prejudices on other grounds would strictly categorize as discrimination to national or regional origin, religion, occupation, social status or some other distinction.Also my opoinion is that hating people for beiing black for example does show me how simple the human mind is

81 posts

Racism. It's horrible, pointless, and degrading. How could you hate another human being because thier skin is different? If african americans made fun of white people for being white, how would we feel? Put yourselves in their shoes, and ask, would I like to be treated like this? If people would have done that a long time ago, the world would be a better place today.

610 posts

well rascism is not just based on skin colour as you can see alse the race can be important like being a jew jews got treated 1940 like blacks get treated today jews had no jobs because they were jews and so we treate blacks today

610 posts

doing it so i well but showng rascism to extreme site should be illegal in my oppinion and not just for blacks whites blacks too

152 posts

i think rascist it a big problem but has and is still getting better

610 posts

rascism has not improved since years the only thing that changed is the fact that the people are hidding their rasistic feelings today but nowadays black even get beaten down because they are black 20 years ago taht was not so,so it even got worse!

60 posts

Much of what racism is comes down to a primal fear. All of us fear change, we fear the unknown, we fear the different. Sometimes we hate that which we fear. Many racists (classists, sexists, and such) see the objects of their hatred as threats. Some believe that all threats should be eliminated. Others feel themselves superior to the group(s) in question.

It looks to me that these people choose to dwell upon distinction rather than commonality with regard to their hatred. It is a terrible thing, to live ever-afraid of something that will never disappear.

610 posts

rascism is an offentic feeling that even gets phisiyue sometimes and has nothing to do with that because we dont fear blacks we look to them down and treat them like slaves like they used too in 1550

242 posts

Racism is an evil throwback to our tribal natures. Sure, it made sense to try and exclude the 'other' when resources were scarce and tribes had to fight each other to survive. When be nice to the guy that isn't in your family when excluding him means food for your children?

Unfortunately, those times have long past in most areas of the world. People still want someone beneath them so they can feel superior, or can blame them for their problems, or so they can take their stuff and not feel bad about it.

The problem is, if everyone worked together, the synergistic effects would make life better for everyone. Sure, you'd have to give up feeling superior, but you'd be able to acquire more things. Too bad the Utopian ideal is so far off.

Racism still exists today. I think the key to solving it lies in education and economics. There's little point to being racist when you understand the other person's point of view and you both have plenty of stuff to go around.

80 posts

[i]I think that racism is very stupid and idiotic, we would have a better world with no racism, so many people died Racism isn't only black and white its jews and christians, german or russian, japanese or american and so forth

140 posts

I truly detest offensive racism but anything to do with race is racism. If you ever referred to somebody by race, it's racism. Not by the definition many others know it by. It is not always profane words against African Americans. Racism, the definition known by many, is widespread throughout, not just the United States.
Many people can use racism against someone in a negative way but it can also be the other way around. Many, in arguments will blame so-and-so for being racist and blame their loss on their race. Its a manipulation. And largely used one at that.
I have noticed throughout my life that offensive slang could be use as a friendly gesture to others but found offensive when used by someone not of their culture. But the same person who finds something offensive can call someone a "cracker" or such and not be looked down at since they are the majority of used to be slaves. I find this absurd many use the defense your ancestors were once slaves. If they were so and you judge someone based on ancestors, if your ancestor or family member was a criminal, should you be judged likewise. How about your race? Think about that.
However, when everyone does not have full understanding is racism and even though I truly detest racism, I find it ironic people do not understand why racist are what they are. If you simply detest racists, you are the same in concept as they are. They detest other people's beliefs and you detest their belief on detesting.
Contrary to what one may say, race in fact, does matter. A lot. Even though you may say you're not racist, you will part sides with the person with more similarities to you, one being race. Most everyone defines someone by traits and race is one of them. Race matters, it differs on your beliefs, friends, ideas, contrary to what people may say.
Even though I find racism a horrible thing, I find people who do not have a full understanding of racism and that choose sides are just as bad.

24 posts

I agree wit King,Sometimes people just dont like how we live or act.But as ill say again if america never started slavery thier wouldnt be this problem.

You have to remember almost every country has slaves back then. Slavery is non-unique to the u.s., racism wasn't caused by slavery because the original settlers from england were very racist towards Native Americans refering to them as savages even, and considering themselves superior to them. Slavery existed because of pre-judice, and hate not the other way around.
737 posts

rascism has not improved since years the only thing that changed is the fact that the people are hidding their rasistic feelings today but nowadays black even get beaten down because they are black 20 years ago taht was not so,so it even got worse!

I know this was a while back...but i still have to point out how blatently wrong you are, u are very very very very mistaken. Go through your history books again, and realize that 40 years ago a black man couldn't eat at the same diner as a white man. White's never interacted with blacks even in the north. EVEN in the NAACP and SNCC there was racial tension between the whites trying to help and the blacks in the group. Nowadays is starkly different. I don't have many black friends, but i gladly interact with any race at any time. There are pleeeenty of people with a wide diversity of friends, when only 40 years ago, there was 0 interaction. So chill, racism is dying, quickly, very quickly. People don't hide there feelings that deeply to be able tohang out with someone or date someone of a different race. sorry if that comes off as negative, just trying to set things straight. [as a white guy who "is a racist" according to the u.s. society, for being white](still love that irony)
1,416 posts

New question, would you all consider this racist?

The statistics are that blacks make up 12% of the population, yet commit 60% of violent crime in the US. They also make up 45% of prisoners. I like to take walks at night around my college campus. If I see a white person walking towards me, I have no problem. But if I see a black person walking in my direction, I will walk to the other side of the road, tense up, and keep an eye on them. In fact, Jesse Jackson who is a champion of African American rights has said he does the same thing late at night. Is this considered racist then?

I do not think so. People can blame these stats all on socio-economic status, culture, or improper education. But in the end, I blame it on choice. I know several African Americans, and I even dated an African American before. I have no problem with them. But in a situation where I am by myself, at night, and there is an African-American around, I will tense up and be cautious. I know that many AA's are great people, but I see the stats. Stats do not lie.

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