I think a better question is why do we keep pretending these stories are true when we have reasonably shown them to be false.
I would say it amounts to the same thing in the end. I dont need to show them to be false because its certainly hes never been shown to be true.
Someone comes along and says "there is a man flying a chariot and he hurls lightning from his hands". I would not say this is not possible, but I would urge no-one believe him without proof, as this is quite out of the ordinary and seriously deviates from normal reality, especially with media, social networking and video never showing a darn thing. The same is said for aliens. Regardless of what I believe a certain possibility is, I dont act as if its the truth until I see the evidence.
As a rational person, I cannot completely discount gods existence. Im not an athiest and I really dislike the name to be used as a label, although some labels are good, I would tend to say my beliefs are that reality is, in fact, atheist i.e. without deity.
It probably flies in the face of language syntax or academic logic somewhere, for that I apologise
It works for me because if I were to say "Aliens exist" and someone says "no they dont" we wouldnt attach so strong a label on the "un-believer!" (burn him! lol). What would I say? Im not sure what you call people who dont believe in aliens! un-alienist?
Now you may ask... what if I said, you have never seen an atom?
How can you prove it exists?
Well, the way I would explain my feelings on the matter is that, I think, If i was taught and had interest in and spent my every waking moment researching quantam physics and into understanding the fundemental nature of all things to the best of our current knowledge, that I
would agree there are atoms.
No matter how much I think that I could research the bible, koran or any other holy book, no matter how much mythology or history I look at, no matter how much I meditate (maybe), no matter how much I hypothosise (because I could be wrong)...
...I dont think I could even create a shred of a case without sounding bats**t crazy!
The scientific community to me, is almost like the P2P, illegal downloading community, it cleans its self of rotten eggs. If someone has something that just plain stinks, is bad quality or full of viruses, people get told.
Religion stinks so much its become a joke.
Im not really telling people not to believe in something, more just pointing out the insanity of believing in what flies in the face of rational thought. Its not just obvious, its just painful. Its like a widow who lost her husband in the war and keeps checking for letters to say when he is coming back (50 years after the war!)