ForumsThe Tavern-Weirdest Dream Thread-

12 1964
270 posts

whats your weirdest dream, why is it weird?

  • 12 Replies
270 posts

One time in my dream there was this purple monster that would suck your guts out with its toungue......hold on.

3,517 posts

I once dreamed of making out with Mila Kunis... BEST DREAM EVER!

It was shocking a girl like her would lay her lips on me... No questions asked, I'm going back to bed....

2,917 posts

Lulz @ acmed

I got shot in modern time by revolutionary war soldiers in front of my house, and it tickled.

The more interesting ones have probably faded into my subconscious.

1,467 posts

I was looking over the Grand Canyon, then it turned blue and pixel-like, then I fell into it. It was really bouncy, I landed on my face and woke up.

3,371 posts

Um, well I've got

1. War of humans v.s dinousaurs
2. I ate my teachers eyes
3. I'm in the toliet and a demondevil thing attacks me
4. I'm going down a foggy street with giant scary carrots
5. And the do whatever you can imagine dream. But in you dream you relize you slept with a robot.

Those are a few normal ones. Whichever seems the weirdest I suppose.

20 posts

When I was 5, I had a dream where my family was in the kitchen, talking, and suddenly the basement door opened. At the bottom of the stairs was a creepy faceless person with no hair, ears, or clothes. Everyone seemed to not even know the basement door open and they all froze. The thing slowly moved up the stairs, and when it got up at the top, the head faced me and over and over in my head I kept hearing it say 'Come with me!' in a creepy voice. The dream ended there.


I still have a phobia of basements.

270 posts

I had a dream as I was saying when I had posted it on the Wii, not being able to type much. I was walking with a stranger and there was this purple monster killing people with its tongue sucking your guts out. He ran toward it and started shooting. It killed him and I ran toward it, passed it and went down this tunnel, opened a door. It broke down the door and tried to suck out my guts even when I woke up after.

The way I keep myself from getting bad dreams is when I know Im having one Ill close my eyes 3 times in the dream and BOOM! Im awake! Thanks for listening!

5,952 posts

I had a dream were all the scooby doo monsters were in my house having a party. I walked in and the all just staired at me.... Then I ran of and hid behind a corner. Then it went into third person and I saw some goblin scarecrow thing watching me with a stupid smile. It gets a blow pipe and shoot an arrow at me and my sight follows the arrow and it hits me and I wake up. It was really wierd

270 posts


I had a dream were all the scooby doo monsters were in my house having a party. I walked in and the all just staired at me.... Then I ran of and hid behind a corner. Then it went into third person and I saw some goblin scarecrow thing watching me with a stupid smile. It gets a blow pipe and shoot an arrow at me and my sight follows the arrow and it hits me and I wake up. It was really wierd

That sounds awesome!
1,531 posts

Most of my dreams vaporize within 3-5 minutes of waking up. The only fragment of one I remember went something along the lines of this:

I was traveling down the highway at night in the back of an SUV-style vehicle. The back of it was actually the tail turret from a B-29, and I was being chased by this big black rabbit thing with fangs and glowing red eyes. I kept shooting the machine guns at it, but it had no effect until the rabbit-thing either stopped or exploded (don't remember which).

To this day I don't know what brought that on. Same goes for the rest of my dreams. I don't remember anything about them except that they get progressively weirder as time passes. And I don't even dream that often.

510 posts

i have had really wacked out dreams like heres one

were i was in this wierd place with these blue heads that could go in you then expand any part of your body and wouldnt rip or strectch your skin it was wierd.

i have more dreams i just dont wanna say them right now

8,231 posts

well i was in this nice colorful place and people are laughing. and then they start screaming and running around and everything turns gray. i hide ontop of a bookshelf (i think it was a bookplace in the dream) and watch everybody die. then this creepy dude comes in and says something like "where are you, sushi dinner?" the creepy dude lets some random wolf dog things loose, adn they start looking or me. some furry creature with gold eyes comes and bites me on the head. then i rip it off and hide in a room full of purple sparkly fog. the creepy dude xomes in and i hide beh9ind a statue. he finds me and tried to bite my arm. then i pick up the huge statue and smash him on the head with it. brains and ick go evvrywhere and then i woke up.

later in life i went to a place that looked esxactly like that, all down to the weird room where i smashed the guy's head. except there was no blood or sparkly purple smoke.*shivers*. but there was, in fact, the owners pet dog who looked like the dogs in my dream.
i left there as fast possile.

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