I don't think it depends on the religion, rather the individual.
If you couldn't tell from my above statement, the answer is no. It's just a stereotype.
Ive heard Jewish people are better with financials that others. Is this true?
Nope, Jews do have a higher salary then other people on average.
Though this isn't when the stereotype came from. In Christian Europe, from 1300-1800 or something like that, Christians can't lend money to another Christian with interest, so they did it through the Jews. The Jews became extremely wealthy and known as accountants or people who are good with money through this. Unfortunately, many times when a Jews asked for the money the Christian owed them, the Christian got angry because he couldn't pay, and started spreading that the Jew is greedy, which led to another reason everybody hates the Jews and they tried to drive them out of Europe.
Merci. Although I find it hard to swallow. I'm sure the point has been made before, but supposed I was a Jehovah's Witness and was down in the dumps, and I converted to Hinduism, that wouldn't do much difference.
Merci. Although I find it hard to swallow. I'm sure the point has been made before, but supposed I was a Jehovah's Witness and was down in the dumps, and I converted to Hinduism, that wouldn't do much difference.
Of course it won't, it's not each religion magically has a higher salary, it probably how much the religions culture cares about education and the such in a child's upraising.
Of course it won't, it's not each religion magically has a higher salary, it probably how much the religions culture cares about education and the such in a child's upraising.
As I would guess so. Incidentally, instead of Jews, here in Asia the Chinese and Indians get the flak for being good with money.
I suppose the real cause of this is the social extraction, not the religion. I know it's kind of a socialist idea, but people's richness depends more on how money their family had been able to invest in their instruction and such, rather than on their innate financial skills or whatever.So, since conversions are quite rare and people usually stick with the religion of their family, most people born in some Hispanic ghetto will show up as catholic in that graph, and so on. Religion is not the cause of the phenomenon, but it's strictly correlated with the real cause which is the wealth of the social ambient one was born into.
I honestly think that it is just because there are fewer Jews than any other religion really, and when more Jews have high paying jobs, the average salary made by a Jew would be inflated because of the disproporionate amount of high paying jobs held by Jews, rather than fewer. It all comes down to because there are less Jews, there will be less poor Jews, than poor Christians, therefore giving the Jews a higher average salary.
if any of my 17 years of life told me anything, it's a mixture of how you were brought up, how intelligent you are, how educated you are, and how good the job market is. if you are above average in those four areas, then chances are you will get a rather well-paying job. this then contributes to how your children are brought up, and the cycle continues. unfortunately, theory isn't the same as practice. I say this because by the prvious logic I gave, many of us should have jobs with salaries that exceed 150,000, and our children's salaries should be even higher.