1. stop spamming 2. don't double post 3. just because no one posts doesn't mean no one likes you. Your thread is the problem 4. he means what is warriors, don't just say the author
Eatmydust, wwarriors is a series of books (fantasy) based on clans of cats in the wild. it's been a while since i read them but he should fill you in on the rest. i liked them when i was younger
Warriors was a pretty good series, but the one thing that I didn't like is that all of the cat's names ended with the same words, like "aw", or "tail". I mean, I can understand the leaders all being called ____star, but this is ridiculous. It's still a good series though.
When I saw this thread title, my first thought was the movie "The Warriors" which just so happened to be released in 1979. Wonderful history lesson for the younger folks.
I red the first couple series. Pretty good, and about cats. But FOR GOODNESS SAKES 12 BOOKS IS ENOUGH!!!!
I dunno, I stayed entertained throughout the 17 of the 18 total books of the series that I read. Maybe it's because I was partially obsessed with those books at the time.
Im on the fourth series, i think. im waiting for: The forgotten warrior.
Crap, I wasn't even aware that there's another series after Power of Three... I'm probably not going to read it anyway, having retired myself from the series already.
I'm sorry for going of topic, but could you stop spamming? Not only Lilystars, but everybody else on this thread, if you're going to comment on a book series, make your responses longer, and put some useful criticism in the post.
I wish that there was another series after omen of the stars. Hopefully Erin Hunter will make another one. I hope crookedstar's promise is good. I'll keep on reading warriors until there is no warriors books left to read. I love reading.