Foreword I'm mainly making this thread because the same-sex marriage thread on the forum I frequent is getting boring to be honest, with all but a couple posters advocating same-sex marriage. I didn't see a thread on this on the last 5 pages or so (and couldn't help but notice the spam of religious threads. Honestly, you guys can't keep the stupid religious arguments to just one or two threads?), so I decided to make a new thread rather than bump an older one. I'm looking forward to see how the AG community views the issue of same-sex marriage, especially since this forum seems to be filled with more, uh, "immature" users than what I'm used to dealing with. And as you can tell by my lack of posts, I'm new to the AG forums, so if I commit some faux pas here, be sure to point it out to me. Until then, I'm just going to assume that the forums here operate like most others I frequent.
Background The LGBT (which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender for any who doesn't know and is too lazy to use google) community has long had troubles with gaining acceptance within most religious communities, especially Christianity, which generally dominates many facets of society here in America, including the concept of "marriage". Social Liberals on this issue believe that (legal, not religious) marriage should be available to all couples, same-sex or heterosexual, and it goes against the constitution to deny same-sex couples this right. Meanwhile, social conservatives argue that the LGBT community are "deviants" who do not deserve "special" rights, such as the ability to have same-sex marriages recognized by the state. They sometimes say that the LGBT community are pushing their "agenda" on society, especially youth, and laws need to be passed that prevents them from achieving equa-*cough*, sorry, special rights. Up until the last decade, there had been little progress as far as achieving same-sex marriages go, and all of the efforts to raise awareness seemed to just cause states to specifically ban same-sex marriage in their constitutions. But, recently there has been relatively huge steps toward equality in marriage, with several states starting to hand out marriage licenses to same-sex couples and many more allowing "civil unions" (basically the same-sex marriage equivalent to the separate but equal doctrine). But still, married same-sex couples are denied many benefits that other married couples enjoy due to the "Defense of Marriage Act" passed by Congress in 1996. The Defense of Marriage Act also allows states to not recognize same-sex marriages done in other states.
Questions (brotip: the "why" parts are just as important as the question itself. Just posting your side of the issue without giving any arguments is practically useless)
1. Do you believe same-sex couples should be allowed to marry? Why or why not? 2. Do you believe Christianity should influence our country's laws when regarding same-sex marriage? Why or why not? 3. Should the federal government repeal the Defense of Marriage Act? Why or why not? 4. Should the federal government enact a law that forces the legality of same-sex marriages? Why or why not? 5. Do you believe allowing same-sex couples to marry will somehow endanger society in some way? Why or why not?
That seems to be enough to get this topic rolling. Looking forward to your replies.
Some may have been, but others weren't. They didn't deal with the slavery issue because they wan't slaves, but because they couldn't agree on anything.
inb4 liberals whining about how only news sources with a strong liberal bias are credible.
Most news sources aren't credible, but fox is the worst.
Quicker answer, it's not true. It's equivalent to the scares secondary school attendants preach to the students about the "dangerous risks" with drugs. Anyone can take what they don't like and weave webs of woe to the wool-eyed viewers to be swayed.
Now hold on a minute. How can you know if it is not true if you dont look it up on Fox news docymentory? Now this theory came from a few years ago So yeah that will make you skeptical indeed. Still it wouldn't hurt to look it up.
Now hold on a minute. How can you know if it is not true if you dont look it up on Fox news docymentory?
Do you have to look up whether or not an Orange will explode violently harming all those around you in a 20 meter radius if you pour water on it? It simply makes no sense.
1) Women can't get each other pregnant, so there's not even a baby.
2) A news source like Fox, which is heavily biased, is aiming for interesting stories for their viewers and will throw whatever crud out there to get attention. I will now go look at it an post back on what it says.
Nevermind on the article, you didn't give enough information and I can't find it.
+it was probably just something you made up to try and sound correct in the first place.
Would you like to explain how, in the supposed article, two women...
A: Have a baby together in the first place B: How it was deformed. C: What led them to conclude that the baby was deformed because two women somehow had this magic baby?
I don't know about you guys but I think that the Lord told us to fill the world. Not to be GAY. And i don't think that same-sex marriage is just not.
I don't know about you guys but I think that the Lord told us to fill the world. Not to be GAY.
the world has never been so populated as it is today. when the bible was writen. the people had need for more people. thats why the bible says so. here is a statistic of the world population. it's because of beter medical care and research that the population is growing like .... (whatever grows realy fast)
and having this amount of people walking around isn't realy healty for the world. and we can't suply all 7 billion of us whit food or even clean water.
Here is what I think about samesex marriage: blah blah blah bad.
blah blah blah common sense.
Common sense rather favors it, if you ask me.
Don't encourage same sex marriage.
Studies show that when woman and woman come together equals deformed baby. Although I dont know if that is true.
Well, first, you lack a study and saw it on Fox news, this is already enough reason to think it's BS. BUT, I can safely say that no matter where you've heard, it, it's biological as well as logical nonsense.
I don't know about you guys but I think that the Lord told us to fill the world. Not to be GAY.
Well, first, you can't choose to be gay or not, so if gay people exist in the first place, it might be god's doing. Secondly, I think if there's a god, he'd want everyone to be happy, meaning he wouldn't want homosexual people to deny and ignore their sexuality.
the world has never been so populated as it is today. when the bible was writen. the people had need for more people. thats why the bible says so.
I doubt that's the reason for it. It's not like there was an estimate of the number of people in the world and some people decided "well there aren't enough of us so those of you who like the same sex better find the opposite gender and produce some kids instead" I would also bet the ratio of homosexual to heterosexual people likely remained about the same as it is today.
it's not on tv in my country but even i know that they make up storys alot. it's often that they say something stupid thats simply not true.
It's not like there was an estimate of the number of people in the world
people relied on family to care for them when they are old or crippled. so to have a good life when your older you needed children (the more the beter). something gay people can't create.
Can somebody explain this? Just by googling 'Gay Gene' I can see that websites regarding scientific studies cannot find any link between genetics and homosexuality.
Yes, you can choose to be gay or straight. It's not genetic. Thats BS. There is no gene that defines whether you are gay or straight. I know i might get heat for this, but mass murderers don't have a killing gene. They chose to kill, just like gay people chose to be gay. It's all mental. If you want to be, you are. I just noticed how short all my sentences are. lol
Can somebody explain this? Just by googling 'Gay Gene' I can see that websites regarding scientific studies cannot find any link between genetics and homosexuality.
I'm pretty sure this has been explained to you a number of times in past threads.
try "epigenetics gay" Basically it's likely the result of gene expression rather then a specific gene. Also even the idea of a specific gene isn't quite accurate and from the genetic view is likely the result of a number of genes.