Iâm wondering if anyone would like to join a Java learning group. I think it would help a lot, esp for self learners. Here is some of the things Iâd like to do:
â¢Help each other â¢Teach each other â¢Make projets together â¢Would like 1-15 members
Asking someone else to complete your homework wont be allowed, nor is spoon feeding.
I would like programmers on all levels,
Iâm teaching my self Java; just a few pages left to finish the book.
If interested feel free to comment, like wise any other comments are welcome.
For a list of the members go to : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseD_eIwMWlCdFZYaXByZWhHNmN5dEw4aVRJU1JOdVE&hl=en_US#gid=0
Yes, I have done some stuff with Java. In fact, I'm taking a class right now (though it's very easy; I get everything pretty much right away). I'm currently working on an all-text game using Java, and am learning on the go.
Well, it does sound interesting, but I'm afraid I'll have to refuse. I have very little free time as it is, and will have very little to devote to a group such as this. I realize that that's a selfish reason, and I'm sorry, but my answer is no.
To amend my previous statement, I will say that if you want to talk to me here, I will be happy to, but I'm just not interested in adding another site to my list of those I have some sort of devotion to.
The group has quite a few members so I will not accept any new members till further notice. This group is going to be like a virtual class for people teaching them selves, and a place to use what the member(self taught or other wise) has learnt so far and also learn more by coding. For that to work I canât have 400 members in this group.
As said before I might accept more members but till then I need to take care of the current members.