My profile noce again has glitched. It says I have no AP, no comments, NO NOTHING. ON the forums, you can clearly see that I am a wood knight, and have around 150 posts. But on my profile, it's totally messed up. Could you guys FIX this? It keeps happening.
That is really weird. I have had a few glitches on my profile before such as it said that I had no comments or said that I was 2011 years old. They all went away pretty quickly though.
Are you able to change your comments to be open or mess with the about?
That's not actually you, it's someone else with the same name. Either you or the other crazyape put a space in their name when they made their account, so now, since you can't put spaces in the URL, it links you to his profile instead of yours. I don't think theirs a way to access your actual profile until the other is banned.
That's not actually you, it's someone else with the same name. Either you or the other crazyape put a space in their name when they made their account, so now, since you can't put spaces in the URL, it links you to his profile instead of yours. I don't think theirs a way to access your actual profile until the other is banned.
It's an underscore rather than a space. Spaces are not allowed in usernames, and underscores can be typed in the url, but profile access is not underscore-sensitive. Also, I'm pretty sure it's an on and off problem, not a problem that happens all the time. Therefore, there are only two solutions:
1) Ban the "ghost" crazyape. 2) Make profile access underscore sensitive.