ForumsWEPRMitt Romney

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Some people don't like Mitt Romney just because he is mormon do you think that it is wrong to think like that? Do you like him?

Personally I like Mitt Romney a lot because he has good plans for our economy.

  • 16 Replies
1,627 posts

Some people don't like Mitt Romney just because he is mormon do you think that it is wrong to think like that?

I think that it is repulsive to like or dislike someone solely based on their religion.

Do you like him?

As a person? Yes. He is funny, and kind (no I don't know him personally). From what I have seen, he would do an okay job as President. However, I do not want to see him there because of his affiliation with big businesses, which I want to see pay more taxes.
4,206 posts

Some people don't like Mitt Romney just because he is mormon do you think that it is wrong to think like that?  Do you like him?

If anyone from any religion starts to speak about how god talked to him then i will not like him. But if he keeps his faith to himself then I'm cool with him.
2,487 posts

Some people don't like Mitt Romney just because he is mormon do you think that it is wrong to think like that? Do you like him?

that is a hard question to answer, seeing as how some very ignorant people view the religion as a cult.

If anyone from any religion starts to speak about how god talked to him then i will not like him. But if he keeps his faith to himself then I'm cool with him.

that, and if he does well with the economy, then I'm sure nobody will really care what he does.

now that I think about it, no president has ever ended with a bad reputation as long as they kept the economy afloat (as if they have power over that). in fact, most people don't notice many political scandals as long as they get a good return on their investment.
9,462 posts

now that I think about it, no president has ever ended with a bad reputation as long as they kept the economy afloat (as if they have power over that).

Clinton did...
59 posts

[quote] seeing how some people view the religion as a cult

Somehow that makes me angry because every religion started out with a man and so they all should be considered cults too. Am I right?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

If anyone from any religion starts to speak about how god talked to him then i will not like him. But if he keeps his faith to himself then I'm cool with him.

That. I dislike it when Reps like to link God and American politics together. Also, he tends to flip flop in his views a lot; he needs to take one stance and stick to it.

Clinton did...

Oh's not like his behaviour isn't practised by many Americans today. Also, Kennedy played the field way more than Bill, but his reputation is solid.
702 posts

The only thing that could make religion an issue is the question of whether or not he will be influenced by the church, or the establishment of the faith. I think this is a valid point. I also think the same for corporations, friends, family, and recreational activities. But when was the last time we had a President with none of these influences? The Constitution says that elected officials will not be given any form of test of religion; bringing the case into the election arena isn't exactly going to do anything but change the attitude of the public toward that candidate, which is tantamount to propaganda. "Don't vote for him, vote for me. I'm a Christian." It's just disappointing that campaigning has been like that for so long it's no longer unusual. and on the subject of his economic plan, yeah, it's fine, but it's just a plan. When have large-scale plans ever worked out exactly the way they were supposed to?

3,224 posts

I think that it is repulsive to like or dislike someone solely based on their religion.

I probably wouldn't vote for a candidate I knew held strong religious convictions, simply because I don't, and therefore probably won't agree with a lot of things they have to say. Am I repulsive?

As for mormonism, Joseph Smith made it up in the 19th century, in 17th century English. Part of its tenets is that Christianity was corrupted by Greek and near East philosophy despite the fact that original Christianity was made up of precisely that mix. It's merely an Americanised version of Christianity and it's got charlatan written absolutely all over it. The fact it's catching on and even has Presidential cnadidates is both hilarious and worrying in equal measure.
59 posts

wow I feel a little hatred from you towards mormons.

888 posts

Some people don't like Mitt Romney just because he is mormon

Well many people don't like us (Mormons) just because so no I don't think that very much.
As for mormonism, Joseph Smith made it up in the 19th century, in 17th century English. Part of its tenets is that Christianity was corrupted by Greek and near East philosophy despite the fact that original Christianity was made up of precisely that mix. It's merely an Americanised version of Christianity and it's got charlatan written absolutely all over it. The fact it's catching on and even has Presidential cnadidates is both hilarious and worrying in equal measure.

NO. I am mormon and this is wrong. I do not know where you got your information but the only part correct is the part that Joseph Smith made it up in the 1800's. but I am not here to argue with this.

I believe people are against Romney because they just can not understand his views. My grandparents, who watch everything about him, even have trouble understand him sometimes.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Number one, there's a good chance he wont make it simply BECAUSE he is Mormon, we've only had one Catholic president in history and he was assassinated (not saying there's a correlation) so what makes you think he'll make it?

Number 2, no he doesn't have a good plan for our economy. On second, thought, neither does any GOP candidate. I'm sorry Herman Cain, but constructing your economic plan loosely over one you can choose to have in Sim City does not seem like smart thinking to me.

Mormons aren't Catholics and Catholics aren't Mormons. Also, we have just one black president....did that ensure that he didn't ''make it''? No.

Number 2, no he doesn't have a good plan for our economy. On second, thought, neither does any GOP candidate. I'm sorry Herman Cain, but constructing your economic plan loosely over one you can choose to have in Sim City does not seem like smart thinking to me.

True true...I mean...Pizza Mogul turn President?
2,487 posts

True true...I mean...Pizza Mogul turn President?

there are stranger things that have happened.

mitt the fact that romney is mormon will gain some opposition, but if he earns presidency, not only will it signal the end of intolerance for mormons, but he might actually do a good job (compared to fools like bachman and perry. remember, I'm from texas and I'm saying perry is a bad idea. that means he will be terrible as president).
9,439 posts

True true...I mean...Pizza Mogul turn President?

Carter was a peanut farmer. Reagan was an actor. What's wrong with pizza?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Carter was a peanut farmer. Reagan was an actor. What's wrong with pizza?

Both of them have held Elective Office before, steadily working their way up.

Carter for example, began his political career by governing such entities as the schools, hospitals, and libraries. He then moved on to two terms in the Georgian Senate, after which he ran for the Governorship, then the Presidency.

Cain on the other hand has never held any post of any elected office. And you ask what's wrong with him? The issue isn't what's wrong with being a Pizza Mogul here.
9,439 posts

Cain on the other hand has never held any post of any elected office. And you ask what's wrong with him? The issue isn't what's wrong with being a Pizza Mogul here.

Sorry, it just sounded like you were claiming that someone shouldn't get a new job due to their old jobs.
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