In lvl 2 the target Is in upper left corner,And he's holding a cup. lvl 3 wait for them to lean backward then shoot them when theare a line.lvl 4 just SHOOT THE DOCTOR!... lvl 5 your target Is the one infront of the guy with sun glasses.lvl 6 w8 for the king bro pass the guard then shoot the guard first before king bro. lvl 7 shoot the radar first after shooting the radar w8 for a while your target will pass the window then thats your chance ti kill him,lvl 8 Is easy coz your target is in the stage giving his speech... lvl 9 Things you need to shoot to distract guards (1) fuse box (2) bottles (3) tree ... FROM: Bleed4u
actually i finished it without a walkthrough and without failing the first time i played except for the last mission (i only failed because the scope was wobbling)